Thursday, November 24, 2022

Day 279: Remember to be Thankful for . . .


As we fully enter the holiday season - and especially on this day dedicated to giving thanks - lets not forget an often overlooked recipient.


It's important to reflect on all of the things, people, opportunities, and day to day realities we have in our lives and take time to really appreciate them.

And it's also important to turn this spotlight on ourselves. Because if we didn't exist, it would be impossible for us to appreciate anything.

Allow me to get a little more specific.

Let's shine a spotlight on all of the things we like about ourselves.

This may or may not being a challenging task, so I'll throw out another idea.

Let's reflect on all of the experiences we've made it through.

Every life is different, yet every life has challenges. We're not dead which means we've survived a lot of stuff - both big and small.

Appreciate that!

Appreciate and give thanks for what you have overcome, what you have learned, and where you are now.

Don't like where you are now?
Great news - it's not permanent!

Like where you are now?
Great news - it's not permanent!

We are always changing and thus, have the opportunity to continuously enhance our lives.

The choice is ours.
And it starts with the often overlooked act of appreciating ourselves.

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