Thursday, November 3, 2022

Day 258: Force

Forcing things sucks.

It doesn't feel good and it's draining.

And yet we live in a world where forcing oneself to do things is the norm.

What the heck?!
That's messed up.

Can you imagine if flowers were forced to bloom before they were ready?
They would likely be washed out in color, odorless, and would prevent other plants from becoming pollinated.

Read that last part again: prevent other plants from becoming pollinated.

I don't know if this is actually what would happen if a flower were forced to bloom, but it's a great analogy for my actual point. 

When we force things, we miss out on all of the benefits that can be gained from when they happen in their own time. And we're often less open to collaboration, unplanned learning opportunities, and patience. Thus, effectively closing off to and shutting down others and sending the message that it's not ok to step outside the narrow-viewed line.

When we allow people to live their lives according to their own timelines, there is way more pollen to go around. And it comes in the form of happiness, joy, fulfillment, openness, and generosity.

. . . to name a few.

What areas in your life are you trying to force?
And how's that working for ya?

Might be time to try out a new approach . . .
Don't know how? Let's talk!

This could be you!

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