Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Day 263: Eclipse Election

I set my alarm for 4:50am this morning.

Not so I could be first in line at the voting polls (I already voted by mail - yay, me!) or because that's the time I normally get up, but so I could try to catch a glimpse of the Lunar Eclipse.

My hope was that, not only would I be able to see it, but I could stay inside and view it from my window. And wouldn't you know it - I could! (Let's hear it for west facing windows!!)

This eclipse was called a blood moon eclipse -  and I get why. It had an eerie, red hue.

Upon gazing at it for a few moments, I couldn't help but wonder if this was some sort of blatant symbolism.

After all, it is election day, today; and in a time in which political opinions and parties are starkly divided. Rather than a bright, clear full moon before me, there was a dark, red full moon.

It seemed a bit ominous.

As real as the symbolism may or may not be, it's important to remember - especially in times of darkness or struggle - that nothing is permanent.

Everything has a cycle. A start and an end, and then another new beginning.
Just like fashion trends, hate it or love it.

And, like I shared a few days ago, we are always changing - even it if seems that it is the world changing, instead.

No matter the situation we find ourselves in, we always have a choice. A choice of how to think and a choice of what we focus on.

Do we want to focus on the things that fuel lack, despair, and hopelessness?
Or do we want to focus on those which fuel hope, energy, and passion?

That's not to say ignore all of the things that bring you down and pretend like they're not happening. But rather, try approaching things from a more empowered place in order to take in a new perspective.

Just as the moon holds beauty in any light, so does life.
But we have to choose to see the beauty.
We have to choose to see - the whole picture. 

It is with openness and curiosity that we can find deeper meaning and appreciation for everything.

It bears repeating, no matter the situation we find ourselves in, we always have a choice.

Are you going to set the alarm in order to wake up and experience things for yourself?

Or are you going to sleep in and accept whatever 2nd/3rd/4th hand news that comes your way?

You get to decide.

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