Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Day 271: Nearing the end

As I think about the end of the year, I think about this blog - and my writing challenge.

I challenged myself to write a post a day, every day for a year - starting on January 25th, 2022. 

Mid-October, I thought to myself, "I know I've missed quite a few days, but I really hope I can make it to Day 300 by the end of the year. If I can only be two months off with writing, I'll be pretty happy about it."
And that would be with an end date of January 1st. But my challenge lasts through January 24th . . .

I debated whether to end that last thought with trailing punctuation or an exclamation point. 

I'm glad that I'll have time to come even closer towards my goal of writing 365 days in a row - or close to it. But at the same time, it'll be nice not to feel compelled to write. Or to hear the misguided whisper of Hazey,
"you have to write or else you'll miss your post today and fail your whole challenge!"

Dude, Hazey - I get that you're trying to help me reach my goal and protect me from failure (all the while trying to cover up your fear of failure with extreme force), but - cool it! 

Let's try a different approach.

Perhaps something along the lines of:
Reaching the goal we set for ourselves is really important to me! I want to better understand the coaching principles and techniques we've learned as we experience them in our own life. I want to practice sharing as we improve our writing skills.

Aw, gee, Hazey, why didn't you say it like that in the first place?!

We're on track to pass Day 300 by the end of the year. I think Hazey's going to be really excited when we reach 2023.

So if you missed it - this post is all about taking time to re-evaluate your goals and efforts. To check back in on:
- why you started them
- why they are important to you
- what you have already gained by the effort put in (regardless of the ultimate outcome)

It's all too easy to overlook the importance of goals.
Not in their achievement or completion, but in the lessons and growth gained along the way.

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