Thursday, November 17, 2022

Day 272: A different kind of romance

 "I'm really enjoying our date - it's so romantic."

Date in a chicken wing graveyard.
. . . The feeling's not mutual . . .

You ever have an experience where one component managed to throw the whole thing off?

Perhaps you're having a nice time or you're excited thinking about whatever 'it' is, but then something unexpected happens and you can't seem to enjoy yourself?

I think that's what happened to the grumpy Gus on the right. But definitely not to the lovely lady on the left - she's smitten!

Maybe if we asked her, she'd share that her secret is having an intention for what she wants to experience. Not so much being wowed by her environment or external factors, but rather focusing internally. Focusing on how she wants to connect and engage with others and her overall experience, which leaves her open and curious towards whatever comes her way. Rather than quick to judge when things don't fit the image of her expectations.

Hmm, there's a chance she may be on to something! I mean, if that technique can make a graveyard romantic, just imagine how it could transform routine experiences!

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