Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Day 125: Autopilot Mishaps



This was my Saturday night. I went to my friend Sam's house for a chill dinner hangout. 

"They sprayed my apartment for cockroaches recently, so I've been seeing a lot more as they come out to die," Sam shared with me.

I didn't think much of this - seemed reasonable to me. We live in a city, afterall. 

We barely registered the daylight's slow disappearance until we went to the kitchen for water.

That's where it happened.

Where I saw something on the ground, immediately assumed it was food, reached down and picked it up.

It was not food.

I didn't know that until after my friend told me - which was also after I felt the wet squishy-ness between my fingers.

😫 😱 😵

I had been running on autopilot.

This gross experience is a PERFECT illustration of what living on autopilot is like - and results in.

Imagine going through life in the dark - you know, like a kitchen with no west facing window, at dusk.

You can make things out around you, but it's not super clear, and there are a lot of assumptions flying about. 

In autopilot, it often feels you're at the mercy of whatever situation or circumstance you find yourself in. It can seem like you don't have much choice or control over what comes your way in life.

But there's one way to change all of this.

Turn on the light.

To turn on the light is to drop assumptions, try on different perspectives, and check your self-awareness.

It may sound like a lot, but really it's not. Turning on the light can start with something as simple as a question. Such as . . .

But how do I know it's a piece of food?

Don't be like me.

Avoid picking up cockroaches. Take the short pause needed to make sure you can really see.

Monday, May 30, 2022

Day 124: Happy Memorial Day

Happy Memorial Day from ours to yours!

Oh, sorry, we forgot to put our faces on.

Hope you enjoyed your day!

Sunday, May 29, 2022

Day 123: Page 123

I found this lone page on the sidewalk.

Upon further observation, what did I see?! It was page 123!!

Upon even FURTHER observation (zooming in to read the page) I saw it was very strange content - especially to read completely out of context. 

I have no idea what book this is from.

Isn't that just like life? 

We're all reading from our own books. They make sense. 

But when we read a page from someone else's book it can seem foreign, strange, and at times glaringly wrong.

No matter what we read or interpret from the pages of others, we get to write our own stories. 

What does your Page 123 say?

Friday, May 27, 2022

Day 122: Beavers Build Resilience

After my heartbreak from the clean cutting of trees I witnessed the other day, I decided I wanted to enjoy the untouched areas of North Pond while I still can. 

That meant visiting as much as possible - at least the areas of beauty that still brought me the feeling of peace and calm.

At this point, there is roughly half the perimeter to work with. Lucky me, it's the side with the beaver den - which I only just learned the location of.

I had heard rumor of a beaver living in the pond when I first moved to this neighborhood, roughly a year and a half ago. I'd had a few speculative sightings, assuming the identity of the mid-sized creature I saw swimming across the pond that was definitely not a bird. But I never thought I'd see the beaver up close.

Then, one Monday - May 16th to be specific - I saw it! It was hanging out under a tree leaning over the water. In my excitement and desire to gaze upon it for as long as possible, I didn't even chance a picture.

This time, however, was a different story. I GOT MY PROOF!!


Do you feel like a nature explorer peering through the trees?! 

Look at the texture on that tail!

For the second time sighting the beaver I was again able to point it out to a few other nature lovers.

By the time nature lovers #4 & #5 joined us, the beaver decided to leave.. Our small group of five, however, stayed a while longer. 

It was consoling to hear from fellow North Pond enthusiasts that they, too, shared in my feelings of surprise, shock, and disappointment in how the restoration was unfolding.

We all felt a bit duped by how the project had been presented. Clearly, the message had not been received as it was intended. 

While the shadows of concern and dismay were strong, something else began to poke through the darkness.


The reminder that animals live by their instincts. If they are unable to get what they need in one area, their biology will instinctively move them to a place that they can. Or at least they will set off in search of such a place.

The same is true of us - humans. 

While we may not always use it or be as attuned to it as others, we all have instincts and intuition that can guide us. No matter what the situation or circumstance, we possess the navigation system needed to move us to an area that will provide us what we need.

This doesn't mean it will be easy - or automatic - especially, if we don't have a clear idea of what 'what we need' really is. 

But with intent, time, and effort we'll know ourselves like we know the back of our hands! And navigating to new areas that will provide for us better than our current place and circumstances will become the new 'autopilot'.

Thursday, May 26, 2022

Day 121: RIP the North Pond I loved

I went for a walk around North Pond yesterday. 

It was different than normal. More somber. 

The $7 million pond restoration project has started. It will help prevent future pond erosion and overtime will attract an even broader array of birds and animals.

I know it's good for the health of the ecosystem, but I can't help but feel a bit sad about it . . .

On my way to the pond I found a dead Mourning Dove laying on the sidewalk. For some reason it really startled me. I don't think that's quite the right word. But it hit harder than I would have expected. Probably because I used to feed them out my apartment window (that is, until the building told me to stop).

As soon as I saw the dove I got a weird, heavy feeling. Preparing for something worse, it seemed in a way.

Once I reached the pond I was met by another shock. A dead turtle float just under the water's surface.

My heart sank. 

Then I looked across the pond to the other side and was horrified by what I saw. By what these little omens may have been leading up to. 

I saw undeniable proof of the project starting. But nothing about it looked restorative.

In the limited section of work every tree along the shoreline, healthy or not, had been cut down. 

I didn't think my heart could sink any lower. Then something dawned on me. 

I knew I really liked the North Pond, but dare I say I LOVE North Pond?

It seemed a silly question to ask - of course I loved the pond! But to realize the depths of that love was enlightening.

I always knew I loved animals, but now I was VERY concerned. I just saw a dead turtle floating. 

What's going to happen to the rest of them? 

Where will they go? 

What's going to happen to the beaver (that I finally saw up close)???

I continued my way down the path, momentarily distracted from my concern by a squirrel hanging upside down by its feet in order to reach some seed pods in a tree.

This is why I love North Pond.

By the time I reached the other side of the pond my smile from the squirrel was long gone. 

I paused to look forlornly up the shoreline. Missing the leaning trees and majestic secrecy they created for all of the birds and animals that lived there.

This is what it used to look like in the clearing captured in the photo above:

But now all that's left is this:

I was touched by the fake flowers someone left - I can only imagine - as a memorial.

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Day 120: 107%

Wow, I don't think I've ever seen sugar listed at over 100% of the recommended daily amount before!!

Why does it have to be so high, though?!

Can't they just cut back like, say, 7%? You know, make it an even 100% of the recommended daily sugar amount?

All the sugar you need in order for your body to function can be obtained through this one bottle.

Wow, it's just like a meal replacer - but it's for the whole day . . . and night . . . and only for one nutrient class . . .

Yep, sounds like a good idea to me!

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Monday, May 23, 2022

Day 118: Want. Wish. Desire.

Fulfillment starts with the desire to want.

To want a better life for yourself.

To want to know yourself better.

To want to understand what your dreams are and pursue them.

To want to live with ease in a way that feels good.

When we allow ourselves to want, when we allow ourselves to desire, we come closer to understanding who we are. We come closer to true happiness.

To want does not mean to be selfish.
To want is to dream.

As the Cinderella song tells us, "A dream is a wish your heart makes." [Cue Sonia playing this on the piano over and over as fast as she can.]

What are the wants, the wishes, the desires of your heart?

Maybe you're like me and have been ignoring, quieting, and repressing them because you:
   are being realistic
   don't do 'that sort of thing'
   have no experience
   don't know how
   aren't good enough
I could keep this list going for a while . . .

So instead, I'll ask again, what are the desires of your heart? 

Here's a hot tip - if something comes to mind and is immediately followed by why you can't do it or why you don't really want it, it's probably worth paying attention to.

Your wants, your wishes, your desires - when they come from the heart will always lead you where you need to be.

"But what if I have no idea how to reach my dream?
What if it seems so unrealistic or out of reach it feels like a - well, a pipe dream?"

Doesn't matter.

Last time I checked, we can only take one step at a time.

Sunday, May 22, 2022

Day 117: In One Ear


. . . and out the other?

Maybe. Maybe not.

It's so easy to take in the viewpoint or opinion of others and adopt it for our own. 

Just think back to when we were kids. 

I can recall many times hearing adults talk about things I'd never experienced or wasn't remotely aware of and taking them as fact. Little did I know these unintentionally adopted viewpoints would influence many of my future beliefs, behaviors, and actions. 

As kids, there's not much we can do about this.
As adults, it's a whole different story.

That's why being an adult is so great! Because we get to decide what we believe - no one else can do this for us.

With that said -
how often are we taking time to ensure the information wanting to hang out between our ears is what we actually believe? 

When do we pause to break down new ideas we've heard - to fully understand what they are made up of?

What body cues are we listening to or ignoring?  

[Good rule of thumb: if you feel relaxed, calmed, or lighter by a thought - it's typically a green light to keep it. If you feel restricted, tense, or heavy/weighed down by a thought - it likely does not align with your values and you might want to reassess.]

We do the world - and ourselves - no favors by blindly accepting the viewpoints and opinions of others.

Be Brave.

Be Bold.

Be You - Do You.

Friday, May 20, 2022

Day 116: The Soul Reason

Stop judging yourself - you know what you need.

The things that "randomly" flutter into your mind that you quickly brush away.

The interests that call to you, but are silenced by "priorities"

The things you like. Not the things you need.

Oh, aren't they?

They may actually be JUST the things you need.

A thriving soul is fed. A starving soul is maintained.

Feed your soul.

Prioritize your interests.

They interest you for a reason. Find out why.

Thursday, May 19, 2022

Day 115: Bittersweet Realizations

Bittersweet realizations are exhausting.
I've had so many lately, my brain and emotions feel like mush.
It is so draining.
But so worth it.
Bittersweet realizations are helping set me free.
Slowly. draining
Slowly. Repairing.
Showing me the horror of what I actually believed
To reveal what I really want.
Appreciating what I had
and what it gave me.
Finally, mourning the loss, fully,
and leaving it in the past.
But keeping the memories.
The memories that spur me forward
Towards what I Really want.

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Day 114: Complete Yourself

How often have we heard the message that we need another person to 'complete us'?

Watch any romantic comedy and it will be oozing with this sentiment.

But guess what? 

Despite the image painted by the society we live in, this isn't true.

We don't need another person in order to feel whole, to feel complete.

We need ourselves. 

All of ourselves. 

The parts we embrace and the parts we don't. 

Every break we experience is important - and inevitable. It's part of being human.

The beauty in breaking is the growth that comes from it. 

With growth comes power - the power to rearrange the pieces of yourself however you want them to be; the power to direct your own life.

Complete Yourself

You've already got all the pieces you need . . .

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Day 113: Condiment Confusion

How'd [fried] chicken get on the barbecue sauce container?!

...uh, that's not chicken...


Monday, May 16, 2022

Day 112: Shark Parade

"Good job, Sharks! Keep walking, Sharks. When we get back, we get stickers!!!"

Oh, the days when stickers were the Ultimate reward. 

I witnessed this kid parade pass by my window this morning. Despite my best efforts to be stealthy, I was eventually spotted. 

Upon further observation, I saw some of the kids were carrying toys with them. 

My favorite: a piece of wood. Not sure if it was found on the walk or brought from home, but I REALLY hope it's the latter.

Runner up: Goofy. Poor guy, must be rough having your head drag along the pavement all day . . .

Sunday, May 15, 2022

Day 111: Beach Gear

As the kids say these days - 

I was Today Years Old when . . . I saw my first fitted sheet at the beach. 

. . . and I totally lost it.

I could NOT stop laughing!

Seeing the wind catch the corners of that fitted sheet and really billow in the wind was more than my funny bone could take! 

Then watching the sitting space shrink in size by about 1/3 every time the elastic was let go set off another eruption of giggles. 

I really commend the spirit of 'working with what you've got.'  

It was just so funny to me because I NEVER would have thought to take a fitted sheet to use as a beach blanket.

Boy, oh boy, it was truly a sight to behold.

Saturday, May 14, 2022

Day 110: Cauli-Flower

 It's not a cauliflower . . .

or is it the prettiest cauliflower I've ever seen?

Friday, May 13, 2022

Day 109: Friday the (May) 13th

This sunny Friday started out like any other Friday . . . 

Well, not exactly - I slept poorly, finished getting dressed for work 5 min before I had to race out the door, and it was already 80 degrees at 10am. But other than that, it started out like any other Friday.

However, it did not END like any other Friday.

I decided to go for a walk around North Pond before heading home. I was looking out over the pond, my head phones in, lost in my own world. 

Then I hear, "Excuse me."

I take out an earbud as I turn around. "What?" I queried.

In front of me stands an older gentleman with a cocker spaniel. He wastes no time in responding.

"Some people should be exonerated and others should be disposed." 
and then he just walks away...

Thursday, May 12, 2022

Day 108: Bird Bath

Looking out the window at the building next door, I spotted something peculiar.

Sprinkles on the roof of the porch . . . in just one spot . . . falling - up.

A wet bird then appeared on the edge of the gutter, ruffling it's feathers. 

I guess it was bath time!

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Day 107: Art Lessons

I found myself reading a Brenden Williams Creative article on photography skills after receiving compliments on some photos I had taken.

Really, I was trying to answer -
"do photographers have an eye for a lot of compositions but only some of them turn out how they want?"

Finding this answer would provide validation for the frustration I've experienced in seeing a great shot and not being able to capture it as intended.

It would serve as a means of permission to even consider that I am, in fact, a photographer. That I could give myself that label. That it didn't need to come from someone else.

As I read on, this section really jumped out at me:

If you are just taking photos without any reasoning behind it, then you’re guaranteed to plateau. To improve as a photographer and develop your eye, define a purpose for why you’re taking a picture.

Why are you shooting this subject? Why are you framing the photo in this way? Why are you focused on the foreground rather than the background?

All these little choices you make when taking a picture should be intentional. With creative purpose, you’re in control of your photography and will start to see improvements. If you just take pictures without any intention, then how are you supposed to get better?

After all, if you don’t know what you’re trying to achieve, you can’t develop your photographic eye. Your eye for photography is built from intention; defining a purpose for the why’s of your image will help to improve your creative vision.

I know I'm reading about photography, but am I reading about photography right now?!
Because I think I just got coached!

Did you get it??! Give it another read after we change a few words...

Define A Purpose Behind Your Choices

If you are just making choices without any reasoning behind it, then you’re guaranteed to plateau. To improve your life and develop your perspective, define a purpose for why you’re making a choice.

Why are you focusing on this subject? Why are you framing the choice in this way? Why are you focused on the foreground rather than the background?

All these little considerations you take when making a choice should be intentional. With creative purpose, you’re in control of your life and will start to see improvements. If you just make choices without any intention, then how are you supposed to get better?

After all, if you don’t know what you’re trying to achieve, you can’t develop your life perspective. Your perspective for life is built from intention; defining a purpose for the why’s of your choices will help to improve your creative vision.

In total, only 3 word meanings were changed:

photo(s)/picture --> choice(s)
photographer/photography/photographic  --> [your] life
eye --> perspective

and only 3 words were changed for context and grammatical correctness. 

[taking -> making]
[shooting -> focusing on]
[choices -> considerations]

And yet, the meaning, really, remains the same.

This is a great example of how intention and understanding of why you do things you do (and who you do them for) directly impacts everything in life. 

Whether it's a hobby, a profession, a life outlook, or a phase of life, the intent you have when making your choices will always shape your perspective and how you experience life.

So, in answering my own question that led to finding this article - Yes.
Photographers don't always get the intended shot every time.

So, am I a photographer?
Again, Yes.

I take photos with the purpose to capture and convey an intentional perspective.
And I create my life perspective through deliberate and considered choice.

Anyone looking for a mantra???^^^ Just kidding (mostly).

Being deliberate and considerate with all of my choices in life will always be a practice. But overtime it will feel second nature, just like the elevated life satisfaction that comes with it.

Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Day 106: Beauty Break

Some days the best thing we can do for ourselves is take a break to appreciate the beauty around us.

Where do you find beauty?

Monday, May 9, 2022

Day 105: All or Nothing

It's not all or nothing.
It's never all or nothing.
There is always something.

Find it.

is where happiness lies.
Something is where perseverance lies.
Something is where courage lies.
Something is where growth lies.
Something is where the future lies.

Seek out the future. 
Your future. 
Not the future that come from accepting 'nothing.'
Not the future that comes from getting it 'all.'

Seek the future that comes from what can be gained from every experience.

Seek out something. Seek out yourself - and you'll get the world.

Sunday, May 8, 2022

Day 104: Coaching Brain

 You know your way of thinking has changed
when you get excited about feeling bad.

"I really want to understand what's going on inside!"

Saturday, May 7, 2022

Day 103: It's not the topic, it's the criteria

As time passes and more thought is given, the anger starts to build.

My friend sent me a text a few days ago:

I was pretty neutral about it - a stark change from just a handful of years ago. Then I began researching and the pot began to simmer.

I read an article from The Globe and Mail, a Canadian news outlet, stating how Justice Alito takes the rear view mirror approach, for essentially everything, in asking:

Was there an abortion right in previous times, such as when the 14th Amendment was ratified in 1868?

The article goes on to quote: He’s looking back to a historical period when women are denied the vote and, more generally, almost any legal rights,” Prof. Hasday* said. And he’s saying that’s what the Constitution is embedding for all time.
*Jill Hasday, the Distinguished McKnight University Professor and Centennial Professor of Law at the University of Minnesota Law School.

In Learning Adventures, U.S. Constitution: 1787-1789 - it states:

The Constitution of the United States is the foundation of our Federal Government. It is often called the supreme law of the land; no law may be passed that contradicts its principles. At the same time, it is flexible and allows for changes in the Government. The Constitution is known as a “living” document because it can be amended, although in over 200 years there have only been 27 amendments.


Are we all dead?! This is supposed to be a LIVING document, isn't it?! 

So what gives?

Well, that's just it - there isn't any agreement on if the constitution is a living document or not. 

There is no line written that explicitly states, "this constitution is a living document." Which, to Justice Alito and other Originalist politicians, gives the green light for keeping and enforcing outdated ways of thinking and governing.

And until there is agreement - or an amendment establishing such - we will continue finding ourselves in these distressing and heated situations, no matter what the topic.

Our struggle as a nation really isn't the topic (at any given time), it's the criteria that's being used to assess it.

Friday, May 6, 2022

Day 102: Destined for Stardom

Commentator 1: It's red carpet season and we are live! We've already seen so many stars dazzling us this evening. It looks like - oh yes - this year's biggest sensation, Belly Pep, has just arrived!

"I saw his little curly-cue hair, and I knew he was destined to be a star."

Commentator 2: That's a direct quote from Belly Pep's manager, Starla Standgroom. And as a veteran of the Business, she knows a thing or two about stars. We have a few photos from when Belly was just starting out. Here's his casting photo...wow, he looks like such a youngster!


And here we see them together, post contract signing. It's clear Starla wants the world to know she 'knew him when' and saw the star potential before anyone else.

Commentator 1: Don't worry, Starla, we won't forget it. And how could we, with Belly's - now iconic - Green Beach shoot. As soon as these photos hit publication the world could not get enough of Belly Pep.

Commentator 2: That's right! We'll certainly all be watching eagerly to see what he does next . . .

Thursday, May 5, 2022

Day 101: To Baby or Not To Baby - Is it Even A Question?

Have you heard the rumors?

I hope they're true.

I mean, FINALLY, someone else gets to make all of the difficult, incredibly important, and life changing decisions for me!

What a relief!

I'm talking about having a baby here, in case the title threw you off. And planning out my whole life path in advance - with titanium - so there's no possible way I can get thrown off course or, say, grow and learn about myself as a human and then change my opinion and preferences on things.

Nope, life is hard enough as it is. I'm totally game to shift that weight on to someone else.

I mean, if the government is willing to put in extra effort to decide if I have a baby or not, why can't it go a step further and make other areas of life easier?

Take eating for instance - do you know how hard it can be sometimes to decide what to make for dinner?!

It would be great if the government would just decide all of my meals for me. I can't be bothered with the energy it takes sometimes to pull a meal idea out of thin air - just tell me what I'm eating, Gov!

And while we're at it - it would be Fantastic if it could plan out all of my workouts, too. You know, picking all of the routines and letting me know what I'm doing each morning.

Because, as Tuesday's SCOTUS leak reminded us, the woman's role in the 21st century is still to make babies. And, pulling from what society has whispered in my ear my whole life, that has a greater chance of happening if we women stay fit and healthy so that males will find us attractive. Right? Did I get that right?

And our country cares SO MUCH about sacred human life, they will do whatever they can to make sure nothing tries to destroy it. 

Which, when you think about it, is kind of comforting. Our country really cares about us!
 - What's that? Oh, they only care about life when it's growing inside a woman's body, but after that everyone is on their own?

Huh . . .

Well, I guess it's just the first step towards revamping the way this great nation views the foster care system, early childhood education and childcare in general. Surely all of the money saved from abortion care and clinics will be more than enough to provide comprehensive care, training, therapy and monetary aid needed to ensure EVERY child, no matter what their living situation, is happy, healthy, and safe. I mean, this is America! We don't have orphanages . . . 

And then there's sex education and contraceptives. We don't even need 'em! Let's just revisit the idea of chastity belts and the whole problem will be solved. I certainly don't need to decide when the time is right to have a baby. I'd rather have the government decide when my life is going to change.

Because knowledge is power, you know? I know that deciding what's right for my life and body is much too difficult of a decision for me to make on my own, so the government should have all the power

See? Everybody wins!


Obviously, these are satirical sentiments. 

While I find this impending repeal of a woman's right to make decisions about her own body horrifying, I do have hope that many of the other taboo topics connected to reproductive rights (and health) will get the love they deserve.

To me, sexual education and convenient de-stigmatized access to free contraception seems like a great place to start. 

In my mind, no woman WANTS to get an abortion. 

No woman WANTS to make an incredibly taxing, mentally and emotionally traumatic decision that will stay with her for her entire life. 

To disregard and devalue the living, breathing human that is already functioning and contributing in the world, because there is a living organism inside of her that may join the outside world 9 months later, is wrong.

If, morally, this country wants all fertilized eggs to meet the outside world, then they need to start nurturing and providing for the hosts who carry them. 

This means 1000% religiously and politically neutral sexual education curriculum taught in ALL schools and at various age levels.

This means 1000% free and easy access to contraceptives and the accompanying education needed to ensure they are used correctly.

This means 1000% better mental and medical healthcare system, paid family leave, and free parenting and early childhood development classes.

What I see from recent news leaks is the opportunity to address the root cause of all of this. Abortion is a symptom of a bigger problem. 

So that begs the question - what is it that we really want?

Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Day 100: Day Reality - Acknowledge the Dream

So you want to turn your daydream into a day reality, huh? 

I do, too!!

The first step may seem obvious, but if missed you might as well kiss your daydream-turned-day-reality goodbye. It is:

1. Acknowledge the dream.

No matter how fleeting or expansive, frequent or rare, we have to acknowledge and identify the dream in order to do anything with it.

This step sounds easy, but if you're anything like me - with a lifetime of family and societal conditioning influencing your every thought and action - it can be quite difficult. 

That's where the new way of (investigative) thinking comes into play!

Allow me to illustrate -

In a recent daydream, I saw myself on stage at the Chicago Theater. Standing in front of a crowded audience. An audience that deliberately paid and traveled to see me and hear what I had to say. To see my show not only be entertained ('is she a comedian?!'), but to be inspired, lifted up and validated in who they are and what they are currently experiencing in life. They leave motivated and excited to apply new ideas and concepts they learned to their own lives. And eagerly share this information with others.

My dream was nowhere close to this when it first started knocking on my consciousness (and I've no doubt it will continue evolving). Yet, it kept throwing pebbles at the windows of my soul, over and over. Desperately trying to get me to take notice. 

Many nights as I was trying to go to sleep, my mind would be flooded by passionate narratives of various topics and themes.

Ooh, this is good - I should write it down! Ugh, but my bed is so warm and I'll have to turn on the light . . . I'll remember in the morning . . . I hope.

The willed memory the next morning almost NEVER worked. But the nighttime ideas continued, and I finally wised up to write them down.

What did I do with them after that?
Besides this blog - nothing.

When one approach didn't work, my internal desires would try another:

"When you think about it, we've always liked performing," my sister stated one evening, in reference to many childhood kitchen dance shows, during which behind the fridge was 'back stage.'

And another approach:

[Me thinking after writing down a bunch of thoughts in my journal]
'huh, why do I write as if I'm telling someone else these thoughts - as if they're not just for me?'

Sometimes, the best thing for getting in touch with what's going on inside of us is some good old fashioned silence. Time spent doing nothing.
Nothing but thinking and reflecting.

I thought about how I enjoy public speaking on topics I am passionate about.

I thought about how I like making people feel good about themselves and believe in their own abilities.

I thought about the declaration my best friend Elsa and I [somewhat jokingly] made in our early 20s about being inspirational speakers when we are old ladies.

I then thought about a question I was asked a handful of years later about this declaration, "Why wait until you're an old lady? Why not now?"

So I sat and reflected. And thought. And reflected some more.
. . . public speaking is a form of performing and I'm passionate about what I'm learning from coaching. I can incorporate speaking events into my coaching business - that would definitely be considered inspirational speaking. . . . and I could do experiential events! Kind of like simulation meets art gallery - that are interactive and engaging, entertaining and enlightening . . .

Ok, I was finally starting to get the message of all the subconscious hinting. I was finally hearing Mountain Man, my Inner Guide, rattling around in his cavity inside of me.

So that's it, right? That's all it takes to Acknowledge the Dream? 

I wish! 

No, that's only the first half - creating awareness to what the longing and desire inside is. 

The second half of Acknowledging the Dream is:

  • creating awareness of the thoughts/beliefs that keep you pushing the dream away and
  • how these thoughts/beliefs impact your current thinking, actions, view of yourself and view of life

Oof! If this content weren't enough to wrap this post up, the length definitely is!

[Dramatic cliffhanger music starts]

Acknowledge the Dream: Part 2 - To Be Continued


Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Day 99: Daydreamin

[Cue Lupe Fiasco feat. Jill Scott]

I was eating breakfast, listening to my pump-up, Live Life playlist and imagined it playing at the beginning of one of my shows at the Chicago Theater. I'm on stage - dancing willy-nilly to Andy Grammer's "Damn It Feels Good To Be Me" - smiling, feeling silly, and exuding joy.

Last month, I would have considered this an indulgent thought. But now - despite fear I most definitely feel - I consider it a future happening.

Take note of your daydreams. 
They aren't just passing thoughts or pipe dreams or even random (despite what past Sarah would have you believe)
They are your deepest wants and desires making themselves known.
And, as cliche as it sounds, the only thing keeping them daydreams, is you
They could be your day reality . . .

But how do we get there?
How the heck, indeed?!!

I think, it starts with the 5 Ws -

Are we back in Journalism class?! 
I'm not sure, I never took Journalism in school. But I do know that these 5 words are the foundation to all investigative thinking. And that's the exact thing we're going to be investigating - a new way to think.
This way of thinking is not so limited as we are used to. 
It is so expansive it can be hard to even fathom (I'm still trying to fully wrap my mind around it).
It is not about 'manifesting' or 'willing' anything into existence.

It IS about, first, being honest with yourself. 
And second, being true to who you are.

And that's it! 
Simple, right?
What?! No! - I don't know what to do with that!!
Yeah . . . it's so simple, it can seem quite difficult. 
But don't worry, we can take it a step at a time, together. 

Because remember, this is Sarah's World - and Sarah's World is Awesome - and so are you.

Monday, May 2, 2022

Day 98: Keeping Up with The Good Life

I think a lot of us picture this idea of The Good Life as one of financial excess and freedom.

We think about celebrities and nice things and houses and traveling and all of these things that are simply that - things.

But that's not what The Good Life is. The Good Life is not Things.

The Good Life is a mindset, a perspective. Interestingly enough, it can in fact lead to all of the "things" our culture attributes to this label. Yet these are mere side effects, not the intent or goal.

I think about the first episode I watched of The Kardashians, my new guilty pleasure. Boy, was what I took from it much different than what I expected for a reality show.

What did I see?

Underneath all of the fame, money, and curated persona there are real people on the screen - with real insecurities and struggles.

Doesn't matter who you are or what your circumstance, no one is immune to the human experience. And I don't know about you, but my human experience thus far has been far from straight or smooth.

The part that really stood out to me was Kim hosting SNL. This is a Perfect example of an individual navigating how to move forward in a way that serves THEM, rather than defaulting to what 'makes sense' [aka: pleasing others]. 

I think we should all take note. Not because she's famous (love her or hate her), but because she's human and we ALL have, and will continue to encounter, choices of this kind.

Choices to be honest with ourselves and what we really want.

Choices that don't have a guaranteed win or outcome.

Choices to trust in ourselves even if it feels scary or vulnerable.

What if we fail? What if we embarrass ourselves? What if people talk about us?

What if we try? What if we become alive with this new experience? What if we trust ourselves and learn we can fly?

There are two sides to every coin.

And we get to choose which side we work from.

THAT is The Good Life.
Directing your own life with confidence and excitement. Or at least curiosity - no matter how hesitant or fear-tinged it may be.

The Good Life is one in which we are honest with ourselves about what is important to us, what interests us, what makes us come alive, and what we want to bring to this world.

Once we tap into that, there is no limit. Even the sky can't hold us.

"I could have Kanye as the musical guest, that would make the most sense.
... But I kind of want this to be my own thing."

Stop right there, Kim! There's no need to think any further!
You want your chance to try something new. To have an experience of your own.
That's it.
No explanations or justifications are needed.

When we want (from our soul, not our physical senses), we connect to our own path to happiness. To question and deny it, to hide ourselves away or make ourselves small (ie - stay the same), never brings fulfillment. It just perpetuates emptiness and longing, for . . . 'Something.'

Pay attention to the inner wants. They are trying to tell you something.

"Come home to yourself. Your Good Life is waiting."

Sunday, May 1, 2022

Day 97: Rain-walker

 Getting caught in the rain isn't ideal, but seeing this makes it better:

Plastic bags will never be the same.
. . . and neither will I . . .