Sunday, May 22, 2022

Day 117: In One Ear


. . . and out the other?

Maybe. Maybe not.

It's so easy to take in the viewpoint or opinion of others and adopt it for our own. 

Just think back to when we were kids. 

I can recall many times hearing adults talk about things I'd never experienced or wasn't remotely aware of and taking them as fact. Little did I know these unintentionally adopted viewpoints would influence many of my future beliefs, behaviors, and actions. 

As kids, there's not much we can do about this.
As adults, it's a whole different story.

That's why being an adult is so great! Because we get to decide what we believe - no one else can do this for us.

With that said -
how often are we taking time to ensure the information wanting to hang out between our ears is what we actually believe? 

When do we pause to break down new ideas we've heard - to fully understand what they are made up of?

What body cues are we listening to or ignoring?  

[Good rule of thumb: if you feel relaxed, calmed, or lighter by a thought - it's typically a green light to keep it. If you feel restricted, tense, or heavy/weighed down by a thought - it likely does not align with your values and you might want to reassess.]

We do the world - and ourselves - no favors by blindly accepting the viewpoints and opinions of others.

Be Brave.

Be Bold.

Be You - Do You.

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