Monday, May 23, 2022

Day 118: Want. Wish. Desire.

Fulfillment starts with the desire to want.

To want a better life for yourself.

To want to know yourself better.

To want to understand what your dreams are and pursue them.

To want to live with ease in a way that feels good.

When we allow ourselves to want, when we allow ourselves to desire, we come closer to understanding who we are. We come closer to true happiness.

To want does not mean to be selfish.
To want is to dream.

As the Cinderella song tells us, "A dream is a wish your heart makes." [Cue Sonia playing this on the piano over and over as fast as she can.]

What are the wants, the wishes, the desires of your heart?

Maybe you're like me and have been ignoring, quieting, and repressing them because you:
   are being realistic
   don't do 'that sort of thing'
   have no experience
   don't know how
   aren't good enough
I could keep this list going for a while . . .

So instead, I'll ask again, what are the desires of your heart? 

Here's a hot tip - if something comes to mind and is immediately followed by why you can't do it or why you don't really want it, it's probably worth paying attention to.

Your wants, your wishes, your desires - when they come from the heart will always lead you where you need to be.

"But what if I have no idea how to reach my dream?
What if it seems so unrealistic or out of reach it feels like a - well, a pipe dream?"

Doesn't matter.

Last time I checked, we can only take one step at a time.

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