Monday, December 26, 2022

Day 311: Silence

Silence is golden - or so they say (don't ask me who 'they' are).

But what about when it's not so golden?
What about when it's uncomfortable?

That will depend on who you ask - and how they view things.
For instance:
  • In a life with small children, silence may seem like a great gift and blessing.
  • In a life with adults, silence may seem judgemental or invalidating.
These, of course, are just two of many many interpretations, but they illustrate an important point. The way a person interprets a situation can change the entire feel and meaning of pretty much anything.

Our interpretations are based on our past experiences, expectations, and deep rooted beliefs. They are unique to all of us, but they aren't always helpful - or true.

Oftentimes, situations in which we experience awkwardness, discomfort, or any other undesirable feeling or emotion are indicators that our interpretation of the situation may not be the most helpful for us.

And even more often, these interpretations have to do with US, despite seeming to be about others. Thus, the way we interpret silence can be a good gauge for how comfortable we are with ourselves.

At least that's my take.

So, next time you experience a moment of sweet silence or awkward silence, take a beat to check in with yourself. You may find the situation has the ability to completely transform.

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