Monday, December 12, 2022

Day 297: Embracing Embarrassment

Everyone has experienced embarrassment.
Whether it was something they did or a situation they experienced.

Feeling embarrassed doesn't feel good - physically or mentally.

If you're anything like me, you literally feel more uptight or rigid and you have trouble concentrating on anything else (like the things you actually need to focus on!).

When I feel embarrassed, it's a near guarantee my energy will tank and I'll start imagining all sorts of  unwanted attention from others in my head.

Notice I said imagining.
The things we imagine others will think, say, or do (about anything) are simply that - imaginings.
Made up scenarios that aren't real.

Even if we do perceive a real life experience to be every bit as mortifying as what we conjured in our heads, more often than not it's due to how we are interpreting it rather than how things were intended.

That's because we are looking for something specific.
We are looking for proof.
But not the objective kind that we can learn from.
We're looking for the subjective proof that is biased and unkind and feeds on our insecurities.

So, we can go that route and be miserable or we can make another choice.

When presented with the same set of options the other night, I decided to go with the latter and take action on the things I could control.

My recent embarrassing experience may or may not have involved needing to cover up a particular area of the body due to some unintentional and unsightly markings.

Knowing that I don't have the current skills, supplies, or interest to learn how to master the magic of makeup coverup, I focused on my next available option.


I owned a total of 2. 

Last time I checked there were more than two days in a work week.
I needed to get more.

So I did!
And I still felt stressed out.

Then I identified what else was within my control - the exact outfit I would wear.
And the day after that.
And after that.

I planned out a whole week's worth of outfits and dare I say it  - I had fun doing it?!
Once I had finished, something was strange.
Was I feeling  . . . confident?! At least a little?

I was.

The next morning I shared my ordeal with my sister, who responded exactly as was needed:

It's just like Brene Brown says about keeping things to yourself, keeping secrets. The only way to be free from embarrassment and shame - is to share it.
It releases it's power and allows you to be what you've always been - 


So, did I go to work feeling confident and care free?
Absolutely not!
But I did feel a LOT better about things that I did the night before.
And that was a good enough win for me!

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