Sunday, February 27, 2022

Day 34: Ingredients of a 'Sarah Story'

If you know me, there's a good chance at some point in our relationship you've heard me tell a story. And if you know me well you've likely been delighted with (or subjected to, depending on your perspective) a classic 'Sarah Story.'

What is a Sarah Story, you ask? It's a unique experience! It can be described very differently, depending on who you talk to. And, equally depending on the listener, one's level of enjoyment can vary - a lot.

I remember at my high school graduation I had to give a speech. What the heck am I going to talk about? How do I avoid falling into the trap of sounding cliche?! 

Simple, I use my signature story-telling style.

Such a style, when used to tell any story, will leave the listeners quickly asking, "huh?", "is there a point to this?" 

And then, just when they think they can't bear it anymore, the moral of the story comes into play! And that's where it all starts to make sense.

Components of a 'Sarah Story'

  • Ambiguous content relevance
  • Way too many details
  • Humor you may not yet have acquired a taste for
  • Heart-felt morals
  • Drawn out journey told with enthusiasm

It wasn't until consciously breaking down the 'Sarah Story,' that I realized the uncanny parallel and symbolism it holds to life, in general.

We don't know what is coming next. We can find ourselves in circumstances and situations that we can't make sense of. 

And yet, we keep going. 

We endure. 

And when we are open to learning as we go - to hearing, say, the details of how a 'sometimes dumb middle school kid (who may or may not have been me) put herself in physical pain by eating too much at a family BBQ because she was following what her sisters were doing, rather than deciding what was right for herself' - we can pick up some very important, very relevant lessons for our own lives.

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