Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Day 16: Trapped

And now, part one of a three-part spooky series . . .

In the first year that I lived in Chicago I sublet an apartment near a large cemetery. Actually, now that I think about it, I've lived near cemeteries on several occasions . . .

Anywho, I would always pass by on my way to work. In the spring and summertime it always looked so beautiful inside with the lush green grass, blooming flowers, and sun warmly shining. 

One particular afternoon, I was so taken with beauty of the day I took note of the open hours posted on the gate. 

"I'm going to come back and take a nice stroll through, sometime." 

Mere days later, I did! It was close to 3pm when I passed through the open gates, noting my fast approaching time restriction. 'I'll just make it a short walk,' I thought to myself.

As I explored the cemetery I took in all of the headstones, drawn to the largest and oldest looking. It was pretty cool to see what the oldest date I could find was, and observe the most popular names of times past. My wandering took me deep into the property. "Whoa, this place is bigger than I thought!"

Time check - 3:30pm

 "Better start heading back so I'm out before it closes." I began walking back, still taking in all of the plots as I pass. Ooh, this one has nice flowers. Wow, that one looks like it hasn't been visited in decades.

 After a short time, I see a grounds truck pass by on the nearby service road.

"Uh-oh, I'd better hurry." I kick my walking speed up several notches and focus solely on getting to the exit. As I get closer and closer my stomach starts to tighten, the gate isn't open anymore . . .

And I can't see the truck anywhere!

I follow the path around a few more turns, the entrance gate finally coming into full view.

It is definitely closed.

Panic starts to creep up. "What the heck?!" I check my watch - 3:47pm. "It's not even 4 o'clock yet! Did that guy seriously lock me in?!!" 

I walked a few paces more and the truck finally came into view, no longer hidden behind the building at the entrance.

The truck door opened.  "I was waiting for you!" the groundskeeper called out cheerfully.

WHEW. I felt a wave of relief wash over me. I wasn't going to have to climb the fence to try to escape!

And with that, he opened the gate and I exited the cemetery, back to the land of the living.

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