Sunday, February 20, 2022

Day 27: Hair New in Year 22

I got a pretty big chop this weekend. 

After running around with long strands that just hang there all the time - and annoy me when I'm trying to go to sleep - it was time to change things up.

I went to the salon an hour early - at their request.

Oh boy, it's getting real. I'm starting to feel a little nervous . . . 

"Sarah?" My stylist calls my name and waves me over to her chair. "What are we doing today?"

I tell her I want to cut my hair short and motion around chin length.

Her eyes get VERY big. She quickly recovers herself and follows up with, "..have you been thinking about this for a while?"

Now, I'm starting to feel the stomach jitters - "Do you think it will look bad?!"

"No, it's just such a drastic change. I wanted to make sure it was something you've been considering so you're not shocked."

"Oh. Yeah, I've been thinking about it for a while," I assured her. 

I debated if I should tell her that I'd been considering an even shorter haircut for a longer period of time, but I decided against it. She didn't need to hear about my baby steps thought process. Though that's exactly what this is, a baby step.

Once that got cleared up it was smooth sailing. 

As soon as I saw the length literally fall away from my head, I felt a smile spread across my face. Not that anyone could see it because I was wearing a mask, but still.

Doing what you want feels good. 

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