Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Day 29: Sing! . . . Don't Sing

I haven't ever seen the animated movie Sing!, but much of the music from it keeps playing on my Encanto Pandora station.

Side note - I CANNOT wait for the news that Encanto will be turned into a Broadway show. I can picture it now and it is AMAZING! So many colors! So many flowy skirts to swing around!
Please, Musical Gods, make. this. happen.

So back to Sing! . . . I can't say I love hearing the songs - as just songs. As in, hearing them outside of the movie - that I still haven't seen.

Why, you ask??

Because from what I heard, Sing! is the celebrity version of KidzBop.

As much as I dislike hearing children singing pop songs filled with inappropriate content in their high angelic voices, I don't much care to hear celebrity covers either.

Both, to me, are jarring when you realize what the song is, but can't get the notion out of your head that it sounds so 'wrong'.

Call me judgemental, but . . . Yeah, go ahead and call me judgemental.

This is a topic where I've chose to place judgment. Why? Because it fills me with twisted delight. 

Because if you can't find the humor in life, are you really living?

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