Saturday, January 21, 2023

Day 337: Sugar-Coated Bat Signal


Onlookers have been taking in this seemingly innocent artwork (above) as just that - artwork. But some worry if it's not a signal of something much more sinister than cavities.

Recalling the globally spread pandemonium that took place last April, some fear an uprising of the followers of Arthur Slugworth. (Get caught up with the details here.)

What started as a publicity stunt and attempt to reclaim a position of candy prominence has mutated into something much more. Since last spring, sugar-winged groups have popped up all across the country with one common goal:
obtaining power - fueled by sugar. 

Economists and social scientists alike worry that this may be the product of the ever growing wealth disparity and feared financial downfall of the country. 

If we've learned anything from the past, it's that the cries of overlooked citizens are not to be taken lightly. 

This could be a monumental turning point in our country's - and world's - history. If we are able to read the writing on the wall and act appropriately. But this will require a lot of effort - essentially reworking the entire structure of our nation and economic model. 

Many argue that changing the systems we have in place will be the surest path to societal collapse. But with the passing of time and growing awareness of both social and environmental disparities, more and more people are asking the question:

"What do we have to lose?"

Only time will tell if this is a red herring or an innocent homage to nostalgic sweets. 

This is a developing story.

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