Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Day 319: To Be Heard

Many people in this world feel overlooked.
Many people in this world feel unheard -
That they don't have a voice;
Or that their voice doesn't matter.

This is a super disempowering feeling.

And when one feels this way, it is often just a stone's throw away from experiencing beatdown and resentment.
Feeling wronged by others.
Feeling a victim of circumstance.
Feeling powerless and without choice.

This is a very difficult headspace to be in.
This is an even harder headspace to get out of.

But you know what makes it a boatload easier to navigate and overcome?
Focusing one's attention on the areas that make the greatest impact.

To be heard requires others.
But first, it requires hearing oneself.
And to truly hear oneself requires acknowledgement, honesty, and bravery.

To be heard requires acknowledging that one is worth hearing.
That one's voice is valuable.
That one's voice matters;
That one's thoughts, feelings, and opinions matter.

To be heard requires honesty with oneself about what the message really is.
Not what one wants others to do.
Not what one is seeking.
But what one is feeling.

To hear oneself requires bravery -
to be vulnerable;
to go deep inside and uncover what one truly desires and the hidden beliefs that are keeping things out of alignment.

It is often thought that 'to be heard' is to:
be the loudest in the room
to have the most power
to exert the most force.
This approach may work for some, but it is not sustainable or long lasting. And when speaking from this place it is common to create a space of judgement and blame. Thus, being met with frequent resistance and force.

But we have another option.

We can choose to speak from a place of personal understanding and awareness, truth, and intention.

When these factors combine we create space for consideration and openness:
- the key ingredients for effective communication and progress.

We can't control others.
We can't make others listen if they don't want to.
But we can present our message in a new way.
A way that, rather than being brushed aside and ignored, makes people stop and take note.


Want to put these ideas into practice?
Consider personal coaching to transform how you experience life! Learn more by booking an introductory coaching session here.

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