Monday, January 2, 2023

Day 318: Vision Board Party

Party Supply List
  • Poster board (x4)
  • Dbl stick tape
  • Scissors
  • Glue stick
  • Wine
  • Nice new year's notebooks X4
  • 2 Pizzas
    • Lots of veggies - 1
    • Meat / veg - 1
I had a vision board party with my closest friends days before the close of the year.

As we chatted and reminisced, my friends shared memorable characteristics and traits about me that they think of fondly.

In addition to this being incredibly flattering and heartwarming, it revealed to me something I had not been able to clearly see before.

I am memorable and noticeable.
By and large, until this party, I believed that I was rarely either of these things. And I believed this view was shared by others.

In thinking such a thing, my own endeavors of reaching various goals or persuing deeply held dreams have been greatly impacted.
And not in a good way.

They've been incredibly challenging.

In fact, for pretty much the entirety of 2022, I've been working on breaking down and overcoming my fear of 'being seen' as I navigate a new path of coaching and personal development.

Little did I realize, the only person blind to me was myself. And the obstacle I was actually trying to overcome - was Me.

It took some of my favorite people reflecting back aspects of Sarah that they enjoy and receive happiness from, for it to solidly 'click' that people really do know me.
People take an interest in me.
People value me and how they feel around me.

For the majority of my life, I've unknowingly believed that if no one says anything [to you/about you - in a positive regard], then you aren't noticed; That it takes outward acknowledgment to be noticed or remembered.

That's not true.

External validation is nice and feels great, but it is not the judge that determines a person's worth, impact or value.

That's internal validation's job.

And, boy oh boy, am I glad I've learned a thing or two about getting that motor running again.

I think it's common to experience a break down in ability to self-validate, to see oneself - especially when growing up in a western culture. (But seeing as I've only known the western mindset, I'd love to hear if this is true in other cultures as well.)

But the ability does not have to stay broken.

It can be rebuilt.

And when that happens we become better able to see ourselves as others do. Through the lens of love and appreciation.

Oh my goodness, if I always saw myself the way my friends viewed me - I'd be unstoppable! If I could see myself on the pedestal of goodness my friends did, I would seldom doubt my abilities.

It's easy to see goodness and greatness in others (at least that's my experience). It's harder to see it in ourselves.

This begins to change when we start investing time in ourselves 
- our inner selves.
The parts we can't see, but can absolutely feel.

I am memorable and noticeable.
There is no lack there - in that statement.
Yet, it wouldn't have come to the surface if the spotlight hadn't first been shined internally.
If the [self] awareness hadn't been built.
If the [self] judgement hadn't been greatly defused.

Perhaps in this new year we shift ourselves to the forefront of our own priorities.

Perhaps we challenge our interpretation of self lack, in all it's many forms.

Perhaps we explore how life opens up when we willing and intentionally step into that which we are - the very things we fear we lack.

I am memorable and noticeable.

You are memorable and noticeable.

We are memorable and noticeable.

And we are - ALL of us - greater than we could ever imagine.

Here's to having the courage to consider it could be true. And then, fully and finally, embracing it.

Here's to us and all we are, both realized and yet to be, in 2023!


Interested in learning how to better uncover your greatness?
Connect with me to learn how personal coaching can benefit you!

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