Saturday, January 7, 2023

Day 323: Conversations with . . . myself?

I started reading a new book from the library, recently.
Well, the book is old - published in 1998 - but it's new to me.

It's called Conversations with God

I'd heard the title before various times in passing, recommended amongst other books (most likely by my iPEC coaching community). But it wasn't until last month that I actually requested it from the library.
[This was after much deliberation of which book to select - there appeared to be 3 volumes! 'Does it matter which I read first? Oh, book 3 is available at the library branch nearest me? Sure, I'll go with that one!']

And then once I picked it up, it sat untouched in my apartment for a few more weeks.

Finally, on January 2nd, I cracked it open. 
I was instantly drawn in.
And quickly proceeded to have my mind blown, consistently, in just the first 8 pages.

"What the heck?!"
My heart rate had picked up and I was experiencing a mixture of excitement, disbelief, joy, happiness, and just a sprinkle of fear.

"This is confirming everything I've learned through coach training! Everything I've come to realize through my own experiences with coaching!! Everything I've thought and hypothesized about regarding current social institutions and practices that don't quite sit well with me . . .!!!"

In short, my world was getting rocked.
And I was in the right place, time, mindset, and perspective to receive it.

I was experiencing the direction that I had chosen for my life, reveal truths to me that delighted my soul and filled me with joy.

It felt as if I was having the conversation with God myself, right as I was reading.

As much as I could have tried, I couldn't write these sensations off as 'just feelings from something somebody wrote.'
I knew the words were true. 
But there was something still deeper.
It was as if I was finally feeling that I was true.
That what I yearn to contribute and put out in the world is exactly what the world needs.
That - and stay with me here - I already know the so called 'secrets to life.'

What's that?! Sarah knows the secrets to life?!!!
Well, where's she been hiding them?!

'Well, I don't really know them, I haven't perfected them or my life or anything. But I know what they are . . .'

Let's end that scene right here.

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I know the secrets to life - a happy life.
I have not mastered them, but I know what they are.
And that's all I need - to know what they are.
Because after knowing, it's all practice anyway.

This knowledge isn't a secret.
It's open and available to everyone.
And really, it's quite basic.
But sometimes the most basic things prove the most difficult.

Why is that?

Because we get in our own way.
We get in our own way with life and happiness, in general.

Because we don't trust or truly get to know ourselves.

That is it my friends. That's the secret - getting to know your full self.

For the past year, my suspicion of this has been growing stronger and stronger. But still I doubted.
"What if other people don't believe me? Don't believe it's true?"
"I don't know how to convince them."

But here I am, with the 'randomly' selected book volume that has strengthened my trust in myself and belief in what I know. 

Lucky me, I don't need to convince anyone of anything.
I just get to share the information.

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