Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Day 333: Time-out Pep Talk

I'm so glad I talked myself into making these chicken salad pitas instead of nachos (hear: "I want nachos!!" in the whiniest voice ever).

They look bomb!

[Flash back to pre-meal prep]

Just imagine if this time-out pep talk was available for every moment of hesitation, conflict or self doubt.

It'd be like having our own coach with us at all times telling us the play! Helping us get our heads in the game.

What a game changer that would be.

Sport teams and individual athletes are credited much success when working with a good coach.

The same plays out in life.
But no one knows because no one is watching.

There is no giant arena for people to gather when you're making your most pressing decision of the moment.

Can you imagine if there was?

[Immediately, Hazey put in her two cents of how it would be intimidating and stressful. But once she was sent to her room and I had quiet to hear Mountain Man, I saw that it would be one of the most encouraging and supportive experiences ever. ]

A whole stadium of people gathered for you.
A whole stadium of people rooting for you.
A whole arena of people wanting you to succeed.

Seriously, what if life was like that?!
Can you even imagine?

Whether you can picture it or not, dare to consider that it is a possibility.
(Well, the feeling that such a thing would create, that is.)

Because when we are willing to consider the possibility of something new, we leave room for it to grow into a reality.

Now's who's ready to get back on the field (/court/[insert your preferred sport setting here])??

The game is always going, the question is - do you want to play?

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