Thursday, August 25, 2022

Day 202: Intermediate Levels

Though I have no idea where this will go - I had to jump at today's post number to talk about the Intermediate Levels - the 200s.

I feel like a class I took in college must have been a 202.
On first thought, I would have said it was the online Diversity and Stratification class (which happened to be my favorite course in college).

But, no, I was wrong. The 202 class I took was actually  . . . a theater class?!

THE 202 Costume Design I  - as was required for my major: Clothing, Textiles & Design. Never would I have remembered if I hadn't looked it up (you're welcome).

And what a great example of what the Intermediate Levels are like -
realizing that Costume Design 1 was not just a textiles & design class, but a theater class as well!

In the 200s you think you know what's what and how to do things, but you are continuously met with new and unexpected information.

In some moments this can be interesting, exciting, and fun. While in others it can be a bit intimidating, frustrating, or even scary.

"Maybe you don't really know as much as you thought you did," you may start to think.

"Maybe you're not cut out for this," you may start to despair.

Well, let me give you some reassurance.

You do know as much as you thought you did - you just don't know EVERYTHING.

You are cut out for this. The only 'maybe' about it is the question of if you want to continue or not.

The Intermediate Levels are where we start applying the new learnings, insights, and awareness we have gained back in the 101s. 

The Intermediate Levels are where we try for ourselves.

And the Intermediate Levels are where we make a choice - to stay where we're at or to rise to the unknown.

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