Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Day 187: Likes

It's a weird thought that for many years, I went through life not really knowing what I liked.

As an adult.
(Well, obviously as an adult - kids know what they like.)

I only recently woke up from a period of putting other people's likes in the forefront. I was always trying to "accomodate others," or so I thought that's what I was doing.

Partly because I felt like that's what I was "supposed to do."
And partly because I was met with such indecision when the task of choosing what to do fell on me.

I would immediately start second guessing myself.
  • What if the other ppl didn't like what I chose?
  • I have an idea, but I should do what other ppl like

Just pick what you like!
If other people don't like it they can say so or suggest an alternative option.
It is not your responsibility to predict how others will act or to cater to the wants and preferences you assume they have.

I wish I could have grabbed past me by the shoulders, given and little shake, and let these sentiments fly!

Better late than never, I guess...

Having finally gotten the message, I'm really enjoying rediscovering and recognizing things I like. 
Whether planned activity or passing moment, recognizing the physical, mental, and soul satisfaction I experience as I go through my days is exciting!

Realizing - I don't like this because 'this is something So-and-so likes' (which used to be how I thought, thus limiting my own enjoyment).
I like it because I like it.
Because it brings ME enjoyment.
And I don't need anyone else around to enjoy it or to justify it.

I don't need to justify enjoying life!

And neither do you.


Feel your joy and feel it fully.

Because when you feel joy, you spread joy.

And joy starts with things you like.

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