Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Day 182: Phases of priority

I wonder if we have a hard time remembering what we really enjoyed as children (i.e. the basis of what we are most passionate about), once we reach adulthood because we've gone so long with it not being a priority.

When we are young, we are all about the things we like. Then as we grow up, other things come onto our radar and the initial interests are given less and less attention. 

They are no longer priorities in this phase of life.

It makes sense. 

As a child you are enjoying life. 
As a teen and young adult (while still enjoying) the focus shifts to experiencing and trying to understand life. 
Then once you settle into relatively established adult life -and you've more or less got the hang of things - you have more time again to direct towards the things you love. You know, fulfillment and purpose sort of stuff.

But there's a problem -

You aren't really certain of what you love anymore. 
It's been so long since you've experienced that child-like joy - and the activities that brought it - that they are kind of hard to identify.

So you do what you're "supposed to do as an adult."
Whatever the heck that means...
Boring things? 
Things that don't seem entirely engaging or appealing to you?

And no matter what you do, you still can't seem to find that thing you're looking for. 

In all of that searching and forcing you overlook the option of just being.

Just Being. 
Being you. 
Tapping back into the feeling of childhood, when the things you did were because they interested you. Because they made you feel good.

With no set agenda or expected outcome, the goal really can be simply to enjoy.

Let's start there. Let's start with things we enjoy, even for a brief moment.

You might be surprised what you find.

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