Saturday, August 6, 2022

Day 184: Generosity

Generosity to others expands in direct proportion with the generosity we give outselves.

When we restict and set limitations to our wants, pleasures and joys, the generosity towards others, too, becomes restricted.

When we allow ourselves simple joys, indulgences, and delights, the desire to give, share, and be generous with others amplifies.

Experiment for yourself.

Think about a period of time you restricted giving to yourself. What did your generosity towards other look like and feel like at that time?

Conversely, think about a period of time where you were generous and giving towards yourself. What did your generosity towards other look like and feel like at that time?

It's possible this phenomenon is unique to me. But I don't think that is the case. No matter how true it may seem, no one person is so original, unique, or different that they are the sole experiencer of any particular occurance.

We are never alone - at least in our experiences. And when we are generous with ourselves we become even more connected with others.

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