Saturday, August 20, 2022

Day 197: Naptime Reflections

I just woke up from a nap. There were a lot of things happening in it that I didn't really understand. The main point I could get was that I would be traveling soon. To where or for how long, I couldnt tell you.

What I do recall, is having a strong desire to go see my goat, Ruby, before I left. 'I should go spend some time with her,' I'd thought, imagining myself giving her love as she rubbed her face on my leg in her particular - and signature - way. Such a sweet and gentle girl. With a beautiful red-brown color.

Despite being in a dream my conscienceness reminded me, 'but you can't, she's dead.'

The dream continued.

I was in what seemed like a meeting room/living room, with others slowing filing in. Two people, facilitators of the casual meeting, entered with boxes. They started pulling rubber banded stacks of some kind of cards out of the boxes, calling the name of the recipient with each new bunch. But they weren't given out at random. The cards were made specifically for each recipient. And I can only infer, the purpose was to give them out to others.

The alarm I'd set for my short nap then sounded. I never learned what the cards were actually for or where I was to travel with them.

Ain't that a lot like life. 
We have loved ones and lost ones (pets and people alike). We have tools and resources presented to us, even if we don't know what they are for or how to use them. And we are always traveling, be it through time, distance, or life.

Nothing in life is certain.

And a lot of things won't make sense until they're over.

But the reflection of our experiences - finding meaning and gratitude in all of them - is what allows us to make sense of things.
It's what allows us to learn.
And it's what keeps us moving toward the future.

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