Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Day 229: The Call of Calm

Dang. I know I talked about changing one's ringtone (literally - but mostly figuratively) in a previous post. But, man, oh man! What a difference it makes!

I used to absolutely hate talking on the phone. I would, unknowingly at the time, tense up when I heard the phone ringing.

But now - now I'm filled with curiosity at who is calling.

Now, I actually like to hear my phone ring.
Because I genuinely enjoy the sound of it.

Adriene, from Yoga with Adriene, always tells us "find what feels good." And boy does that hold true - even when it comes to the sounds your phone makes.

But finding what feels good is more than just pleasure for the senses. It comes from a deeper place. From connection to the inside. And can be identified through an emotional (or gut) response.

When I was picking my new ringtone it first captured my attention because it was pleasing to hear. But more than that, I felt a sense of calm as I continued to listen to it.

My imagination quickly created an image in my mind of me missing all future phone calls because I was too busy enjoying -and relaxing - to the new sound of my ringtone.

"This is really nice," I thought with a blissful, closed-eye smile stretched across my face.

But then Hazey showed up.
"Yeah, but how will you hear it? It's quieter than your other ringtone and you could barely ever hear that."

She had a point.
The new peaceful piano ringtone was less ear-piercing than the former. But, . . . if I wasn't answering my phone to begin with, what difference does it make if the same outcome continues with a more pleasant sound?

Quite honestly, the idea of using my ringtone, on the rare occasion it went off, to enjoy and take a few seconds to consciously relax didn't sound so bad to me.
Dare I say, I was tickled by the idea?
Plus, if I didn't like it I could always change it.

As in life, nothing is permanent.

And with impermanence comes an amazing gift. The opportunity to continuously experience and enjoy, change, and grow.

There is no time restriction for feeling good.
It doesn't have limitations to where it can or cannot be experienced or by who it can and cannot be obtained.

Feeling good is accessible to everyone.
For a brief moment.
For a prolonged span.

Awareness cultivates good feelings.
Appreciation magnifies them.

So here's a challenge: Next time you are doing something that gives you pause - no matter how brief - stop and pay attention to how you feel.
What's your body doing (or not doing)?
Where do your thoughts go (or not go)?
Feeling neutral when you usually feel overcharged?
Feeling energized when you typically feel depleted?
Feeling calm when you normally feel stressed?

Pay attention.

And if you're feeling adventurous, try out a change.

It may have bigger impacts than you'd imagine!

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