Saturday, September 3, 2022

Day 210: Hole in a Tree

In January I went for a walk and noticed a hole in a tree.

I wonder if an animal lives in there?

Nosy by nature, I balanced on tip-toes to peer inside.

I don't think anyone is home, but I spy a bed!

Fast forward roughly nine months later, to today. 

I, again, went for a walk. But this time, I decided to take a seat on a bench overlooking the pond. 

It just so happens that this bench directly faces the tree with the hole I had noticed at the beginning of the year. During my sit I had planned to do some thinking and writing, but my attention was quickly diverted.

By a head.

Poking out of the hole!

My jaw dropped.

There's a squirrel in there!! I've never seen a squirrel inside a tree before!

Needless to say, I was excited.

So excited, that I had to capture it! Even if it is with a low-quality, kind-of-hard-to-see-what's-happening-unless-you-saw-it-in-real-life sort of video.

This is just another example, in a growing list, of how everything comes back around to connect together. 

Sometimes it takes months, other times days. But always it requires an observant eye.

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