Monday, September 26, 2022

Day 227: Church Coaching

For the better part of a year I've experienced a recurring call (can it still be considered a 'call' if it feels more like a tug?) to offer my coaching services to the church community I am a silent member of.

I've listened to many great homilies with deep hitting messages. And for some reason, the same question has continued to pop into my head after hearing every one of them.
"But, will people know how to break this goal down into small enough steps that they can actually get there?"

My heart's immediate response every time has been: "I can help with this!!"

My desire is to help others turn passionate and heartfelt, yet ambiguous, goals into reality by way of self-discovery and self-understanding.

It's my guess is that by the time most of us come to the end our lives on this earth, we'll have only uncovered a small percentage of what was possible for us.

Think about it. 

We were created by the same God that constructed the universe and the cosmos!
If that's who our maker is, then there's sure as heck more to each and every one of us than meets the eye.

So what keeps us from exploring all that we are?

I can only speak for myself, but my top reasons boil down to:
  1. Lack of exposure: I didn't even learn what life coaching or self-discovery were until I was well into early adulthood
  2. Lack of direction/guidance: I had no idea how to break down goals into small achievable steps or how to overcome challenging obstacles and setbacks in ways that work specifically for me
We are all going through this life together, even when it doesn't feel like it. 
When we take the time to discover and light our own path, we create light for others as well. Thus, improving life not only for ourselves, but all those around us.

It doesn't matter if you are 'religious' or not, go to church or not, follow certain teachings or subscribe to various labels. 
Coaching brings you closer to yourself, which in turn connects you much more to everything else.

Don't believe me? Try out a few sessions and prove me wrong - I DARE YOU!
Here's the booking link: Sarahpie Coaching Free Consultation

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