Saturday, July 23, 2022

Day 172: You are the sky

You can direct your own mood at any time. 
It isn't dependent on an external situation or person. 

If you had told me this as a child, or heck - two years ago, I wouldn't have believed it was true - or even possible.

Growing up I was a very sensitive kid. I experienced highs and lows like the tide. I was often crying about something and trying hard to escape the label of 'cry baby.'

I was stuck in the unconscious belief that my mood (and thus, happiness) was contingent on the people around me and situations I found myself in.

It wasn't until I started coach training with iPEC in 2020, that the idea 'I am in control of me'- every single part - was explicitly introduced. 

We explored values and unearthed constants about ourselves that are central to who we are.

With additional training, reflection, and personal discovery I came to more clearly see and understand my default state

What I feel and exude when free from outside stressors or influencers; my most authentic self.

So what does this have to do with directing your own mood? 

Learning where you naturally reside - for me it's a state of joy, calm and creativity - gives you a home base to get back to. 

It is your constant. 
This quote by Pema Chödrön says it perfectly:
You are the sky. Everything else - it's just the weather.
No matter what comes your way, if you know your base you can always get back.
If you know your base you can direct your mood.

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