Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Day 161: One Courageous Act

This morning a thought popped into my head.

The most entertaining, funny, or engaging people appear as such, not because of a certain trait or skill they have, but rather because they are fully embracing who they are.

They are simply being. To the fullest extent possible.

No restrictions. 
No comparisons. 
Just being who they are. 
Focusing on what they enjoy and what lights them up.

That's the secret.

It's acknowledging your path - the one that calls out to you every so often - and actually taking it..

I'm beginning to do this and, boy, is it scary. The feeling/sensation of allowing yourself to even imagine the dream inside of you being reality is - hard to describe.

I start to feel nervous - my hands (or perhaps my whole body) start to shake. I feel energized with a sense of delight (along with some disbelief). 
And then it hits me. 
This isn't actually nervousness or fright - it's excitement.

I think in the idea of 'excitement' there's always some component of nervousness. None of us can see the future or know for sure how things will turn out. But to a much larger degree 'excitement' is the desire and longing of the heart, creating a vibration that hums so rapidly it can be unstoppable - if we're courageous enough to lean into it.

Happiness is available to all of us. A life of delight is one we can all have.

It starts inside of us. 
It starts with the thing that keeps coming back to our thoughts; the thing that keeps filling us with a sense of joy.

It starts with one very courageous act.

Saying 'Yes' to ourselves.

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