Saturday, July 9, 2022

Day 158: Ghost Story

[Me and my sister arguing before bed on a recent night she stayed over]

Me: You have to close the [bedroom] door again. 
Her: Why? 
Me: Because I didn't hear it click!
Her: It's closed! I'm not going to open it and close it again.
Me: Do it!
Her: No! It's closed! 
Me: But I need to hear it click! . . . Because it creeps me out when the door opens on its own. And if I hear the click then I'll know it's closed - and if it opens then it's a ghost!

There it is. The real reason behind the insistent action request.

There is always some hidden belief (or fear) that fuels our most heinous demands (and even our 'rational' ones).

There is always more to what meets the eye - or ear.

There is always more to the story.

Knowing that this is the case - in probably 99% of seemingly irrational demands- gives us the incredible gift to be our own Paul Harvey. 
It gives us the opportunity to discover "the rest of the story."


By uncovering the deeper meaning behind what we see or hear in order to get the full picture - all sides - not just the singular view we immediately see.

By asking questions.

By being curious.

Channel your inner investigative broadcaster - life's a lot more interesting that way.

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