Monday, July 18, 2022

Day 167: The Right Decision

It's impossible to always make the 'right' decision. 

The 'right' decision doesn't exist in the moment. It only exists in the past - in hindsight, when we know the full picture and outcome and can see if things played out the 'right' way (i.e. how we wanted or not).

Where labels of 'right' or 'wrong,' judgments of outcomes, are only possible after the fact when nothing more can be done

They are the backseat drivers of life. Critiquing us after we've already made the turn or action.

But the moment - in the moment, that's where trust lives and grows. 

In every moment we make the best decisions we can.

[Don't believe me? Then, tell me about a time you intentionally made a choice that you knew would be a horrible decision for your life.]

Some think it's out of our hands after that. Whatever happens, happens. It's either going to be 'good' or 'bad.'

If we want to give up control we can certainly lock into that perspective. 

Yet, if we want to remain the drivers of our own lives, we can do something else.


We can learn from every experience. We can learn from every outcome - regardless of if it's what we had in mind or not.

Because with learning comes growth. And with growth comes opportunities previously unavailable to us.

Growth doesn't judge or criticize.

Growth embraces, acknowledges, and moves forward with a new perspective.

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