Thursday, April 21, 2022

Day 87: The Rest of the Story

I remember as a kid listening to the local radio and every week hearing Paul Harvey's "The Rest of the Story." If you're not familiar, it was a great program that highlighted the backstory of a current day staple of some kind - whether product or service. 

I loved it. 

So much so, that I can't actually recall what a single episode was about - BUT I do know I thoroughly enjoyed every episode and consistently "whoa"ed and "wow"ed out loud.

So, in honor of Paul here's my take (see if you can figure out which previous post you're getting background on) -

Cashew-Free Vegan Cheese Sauce featuring: Eggplant!!!

I recently came across a recipe for this and, as one who "likes to hide vegetables in things" as declared by an old roommate, I was intrigued. 

It was pictured on nachos and my friend, Vegan Sam, was coming over soon. It would be the perfect time to try it out! 

Twould be the perfect NACHO NIGHT!


Well, the cheese sauce didn't really work out . . . so we got some vegan cheese from the store. 

As we were preparing our feast Sam let me in on a little tidbit. 

Sam: "Vegan cheese doesn't melt the same as regular cheese."

Me: "Oh. ..Will it melt at all??!"
Sam: "Yeah, a little bit."
We put the nachos in the oven and knew it was time to take them out when the chips started burning!

The cheese didn't really melt.

After a few minutes of eating I exclaimed, "I found a melty part!"
This happened a total of once the entire night. 

Success depends on how you define it. 

Take vegan nacho night - to some it would be considered a total fail, but to us it was a win. 

We had ONE  melty part!! And we weren't expecting any! AND our chips eventually got soggy - just like dairy laden nachos!! And, most importantly, they tasted delicious! 

Would vegan cheese catch on as a suitable medium for the classic nacho base? For those looking to define their expectations by time with others, experiences, and surprise - I'd like to think, yes.

I'm Sarah Pietruszka, and now you know, The Rest of the Story.

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