Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Day 71: Coaching Rosary

I was praying the rosary and the thought occurred to me,

"A lot of the extreme things Jesus is going through (as depicted by the Sorrowful Mysteries), can be easily related to by the rest of us . . . albeit on a much milder scale."

1st Sorrowful Mystery: The Agony In the Garden
Perhaps this is what we experience in our lives when we encounter very difficult obstacles. Or we have begun our coaching journey of self discovery and the initial discoveries we are making - deep rooted beliefs we didn't even know existed - are quite hard to swallow, now that they've been exposed.

2nd Sorrowful Mystery: The Scourging at the Pillar
This might be our internal Gremlin/Saboteur/Judging voice that picks us apart and makes us feel worthless, small, unimportant, etc. It keeps us playing small, thinking small, living small. It keeps us from walking in the light we naturally radiate. 

We're becoming more aware of this pesky voice - and at this stage it can feel a bit overwhelming and disheartening how frequent it is. We may judge ourselves just for judging ourselves!

3rd Sorrowful Mystery: The Crowning of Thorns
Here, we may be learning to understand, counter and quiet our Saboteur voice. It is difficult, because the voice still has so much power. But we also know, that the voice is not our own. We are building courage so we may be true to who we really are and what is right/true to us.

4th Sorrowful Mystery: The Carrying of the Cross
In this stage, we are actively practicing our 'walking the talk.' This means, applying all of the skills we've learned so far:
1) Awareness
   - of our obstacles [that they are not permanent and can be overcome]
   - of our hidden beliefs
2) Recognition and acknowledgement of our Saboteur voice
3) Understanding and countering our Saboteur voice

This takes a lot of energy at first and can be quite draining! But this is often where substantial growth and learning occur.

5th Sorrowful Mystery: The Crucifixion
The end of the road for struggle and beliefs that no longer serve us. It is at this last stage where we have gained a deep understanding of our Saboteur and how it uses our hidden (and limiting) beliefs to hold us back (or in it's mind, protect us). With this knowledge we have found and practiced ways to get what we really need in order to create new beliefs that serve us better. 

Here is where the old and no longer useful beliefs, thoughts, actions come to rest, while we ascend to a higher way of being.

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