Friday, April 29, 2022

Day 95: Jerry's Question - Inner Guide

As pretend Jerry Seinfeld wanted to know -

'so what's the deal with the Inner Guide?'

The Inner Guide can be considered the master of your domain - the captain, if you will.

"If it's the captain then why do we doubt ourselves or think we're not good enough?"

Excellent question, imaginary person! (Someone's been reading my previous posts!) For the answer, I would like to direct your attention to life. 

Life happens. That's why.

Think about when you were a young kid. You didn't care what anyone thought and did what you wanted, what felt good. You'd play butt naked on the slip n' slide at your neighbor's birthday parties regardless of who was around! 

No, just me? Well, you get my drift! 

Your Inner Guide was alive and well, encouraging you to explore, learn, enjoy, and just be You!

Then you got older and other people's ideas, beliefs, pressures, insecurities started to mix in with all of the other information you're absorbing from the world -

Don't act like that

Look like this

Strive for this career

and the list continues on and on and the snowball continues to grow bigger and bigger. 

Before you know it, you're just rolling around wherever the societal wind blows you. 

As this happens, as you become inundated by other people's crap, your Inner Guide becomes trapped and starts to atrophy. Meanwhile, your saboteur(s) grow stronger and stronger - they eat crap for breakfast!

So, life is happening. You're rolling, trying out different directions. And then at some point, something else starts to happen. 

A rattling starts - and it's coming from inside of you.

That's your Inner Guide. Poor thing has shrunk so much, it no longer takes up the full cavity it was trapped in. Now it's just rattling around in all of the empty space. 

Every time societal winds blow you farther away, the rattling gets louder. 

Some people don't hear it. But, eventually, most people feel it. 

A sensation they just can't put their finger on. It's like, like an emptiness - as if something was missing. But that's silly, you're doing everything you should be doing. How could anything be missing?

It's your Inner Guide. And it wants to reclaim control of the vessel so you can live an amazing life and see the insanely incredible and valuable human you are!

So that's the deal with the Inner Guide - really Living.

And when we take the time to connect with and nurse our Inner Guide back to full health, we become unstoppable!

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