Saturday, April 2, 2022

Day 67: April Fool, Psychic Who?

Boy was I an April Fool, yesterday! 

Not in that I forgot it was April and the start of a new month, but in the fact that I forgot entirely about posting!

I went to a dance show at the Harris Theater yesterday evening. But surprisingly that wasn't the highlight of my night. Instead it was the time before the show that I spent with my friend.

I learned about many paranormal experiences she's had which led me to the conclusion that my friend is a Medium!

I am NOT that attuned to spiritual presence - and boy am I glad. Because some of the things she told me would have freaked me the fudge out!!

A cool and comforting thing to hear was that she's been told by multiple psychics that she has 'strong spirit' - meaning she has a lot of spirit guides and protectors always around her. 

Guardian Angel status?? Ok, now THAT I'm on board with!

It was interesting to learn that, though not a 'religious' person in any sense of the word, my friend always finds herself reciting The Lord's Prayer when sensing or feeling scared by negative spirits. 

"I don't even think about it, it just happens - and I learned [the prayer] when I was little, so it's not even like I really remember it right." 

Hearing this admission solidified even more to me that there are no requirements or prerequisites needed to ask for help or receive comfort/protection from a higher power - regardless of the title you give it.

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