Thursday, June 9, 2022

Day 134: Baggage = Future Luggage

Let's talk about Baggage.

Baggage gets a bad rap - especially when it comes to relationships. Especially in regards to women.

"She's got a lot of baggage."

'I don't want to deal with anyone's baggage.'

Baggage, baggage, baggage.  

Baggage is bad, Bad, BAD.

And if you've got it, there's something wrong with you and no one will want to deal with it. Thus no one will want to deal with you.

WHOA. That's a lot. 

And it doesn't feel good at all.

So allow me to offer an alternative perspective.

Baggage - the emotional, mental, and perhaps even physical experiences, traumas, beliefs, and view points of one's lived experience - is not bad

Collect all of the baggage you can. It's proof of living.

Baggage can, however, be heavy.

This is why it's important to sort through the baggage. This will happen at different times, for different people. There is no rule for when this needs to happen or what it needs to look like. 

But it needs to happen in order to live a life that feels free and light. 

We've [all] got to go through our own baggage so we can lighten our own loads. 

We've got to upgrade to some wheels. 

We can think of going through our baggage as we would sorting through a plentiful wardrobe. 

We can't wear all of the things we've accumulated, and likely we don't want to. We have the opportunity to curate the exact look, feel, and learned life lessons we want to keep and use in the future.

We get to choose what we pack in our luggage.

And that's the difference. 

Baggage is simply future luggage. We just haven't done the sorting yet.

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