Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Day 133: Bad Luck or Good Luck?

I played horseshoes with my sister a few weekends ago. 

Boy, was the game full of surprises - and I'm not even referring to my consistent and accurate aim!

Surprise #1 - Hidden Loot
The park we play horseshoes in has a row of 10ish throwing pitches. We have a pitch we typically play at, and this time was no different. However, something did catch our eye in the pitch next to us. 

Was that stake freshly painted?

Naturally, we investigated. As we began lifting up the pitch cover we saw something -

it was a purse!

WHOA! My brain immediately started running various scenarios as to how the purse got there and what might be inside.

The purse was clearly hidden intentionally. Also clear to us was the need to look inside the purse. What if we could return it?

"Don't touch it! Use a stick," my sister smartly advised.

I grabbed the stick she offered me and lifted the opening of the unzipped top pouch. We peered inside and saw . . .

a set of horseshoes! All 4 of them!!

I think we both breathed a slight sigh of relief. Neither of us wanted to play Good Samaritan at the moment.

Surprise #2 - Horseshoes can break
In what inevitably became our last round of the game we discovered something we never thought possible. Horseshoes can break. Like, snap in half, sort of break.

My sister threw her final shoe. As it hit the ground I saw something fly upon impact.

"Your shoe just broke!"

'What?! No, it didn't!'

It did. 

'What's a broken horseshoe supposed to mean? We should look it up!' 

It was such an unexpected and shocking occurrence we were sure there had to be some significance.


Later that evening we looked up the meaning of a broken horseshoe.

...oof - it meant bad luck...

But finding horseshoes is said to be good luck. And we found FOUR.

So, surely that would cancel any shifts of luck and leave us the same as we were. Right???

I don't know. But honestly, it doesn't matter. Because, whether you believe in luck or not, perspective is everything.

Think about it - if your perspective is that you 'have luck,' what is your outlook like?
What's your attitude like?
How do you perceive challenges when you 'have luck' on your side?

The answers to these questions will reveal what your perspective of 'having luck' is - regardless of if you find a horseshoe, a four leaf clover, a leprechaun* or simply exist.

We can all live lives filled with 'luck' - and it starts with our perspective.

*let the record show I spelled this right on the first try (and I find it a hard word to spell)!

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