Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Day 132: Where are you looking?

Often what we see is quickly determined within a manner of seconds, if not less.

Because of this reason, I challenge you to pick an item and take it in.

Take it ALL in.

Consider different perspectives and layers of focus. Train your eye.

For instance, take this Dandelion seed head:

Ok, I've seen these before. Looks like pretty much every other seeding Dandelion I've seen . . . 

Great! Now look closer, through different levels of focus . . .

. . . these pictures just look increasingly blurry . . .

To the untrained eye. To the quick eye. To the impatient eye. Yes, that's probably true.

But to the observant and lingering eye they show different parts.

The Obvious : The surface, the seed heads closest to us.

The Perceptible : The middle ground, the seed stems.

The Hidden : The back side, the seed heads farthest away from us.

These three parts  - the obvious, the perceptible, and the hidden - are found in everything. 

In every person, place, and thing.  

In every idea and theory. 

In every dream and wish.

Each part brings with it deeper complexity. And with deeper complexity comes greater understanding.

We can choose to live the obvious, surface level life. A life in which no extra time or consideration is taken to what we do or why we do it.

We can choose to explore the perceptible, middle ground life. A life in which a moderate amount of time and consideration is taken to assess the factors of life surrounding us. A life of greater meaning.

We can choose to unlock the hidden life. A life in which great time and consideration is taken to determine what brings us happiness, meaning and satisfaction. A life that once didn't even seem possible or we didn't even know existed. A life that feels and does good.

We get to choose.

Train your eye. 

And remember to always ask yourself - where are you looking?

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