Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Day 65: The magic of pause during growth

Growth at times can be hard. 

It can be exhausting. It can be painful. It can feel like a lot - maybe too much.

And that's ok. 

It is said that when things get tough, feel like too much to bear, that's when transformations and change happen. Like magic. 

Sometimes though, it is also a viable choice to take a break, to pause, to rest.  

This, too, can be like magic.

Restoration during a challenging time rather than soldiering on. How might this change things?

For me, it provides the time and space needed to feel ALL the feels. Especially the ones I'd rather pass through as quick as possible. But with pause, quick is not an option. 

Think of it as emotional fertilizer.  

It takes some time for the nutrients to sink down through the soil. So much time, in some cases, we may question if anything beneficial is happening at all. But emotional fertilizer doesn't have a set timeline.

And neither does personal growth.

So what do we do during this indeterminate time frame?
Observe. Acknowledge. Grow our awareness. Of everything that that comes up - thoughts, feelings, judgements, beliefs, old, new, good, bad - all of it. 

And then we sift through for what feels best for and within us. And we give ourselves permission to leave the rest.

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