Saturday, March 5, 2022

Day 40: There was an old lady who swallowed a fly

The truth about the old lady who swallowed a fly.

First of all, the old lady wasn't that old - she was in her thirties. Which, perhaps in the time that she lived was considered old . . .

But that's not the main point here. The main point is the fly. And, more importantly, how she swallowed the fly.

The old lady, let's call her . . . Sarah, was preparing her breakfast for the day. She had leftover coffee from the day before that she pulled out of the fridge. There were two containers. One was the coffee cup, with leftover coffee. The other, was a jar of black coffee waiting to be dressed with milk and potentially sugar.

When she set her coffees on the counter she looked inside the cup to see how much was there. And what she saw surprised her. Stuck to the side of the coffee cup wall was a tiny fly! It looked somehow flattened and stuck to the cup. It was inches above the coffee below. 

"You don't belong here!" said Sarah to the Dead fly. 
So she stuck her finger in the cup to scoop the fly out. But when she did that, the fly fell into the coffee! She desperately scanned the surface of the liquid trying to find the fly, but it was no longer visible.

"Oh no, what am I going to do?! I don't want to drink a fly!"

"Maybe I can stir up the coffee and it'll come back to the top...." 
Sarah tried that. It didn't work.

"Or maybe it will get stuck to the bottom of the cup and I'll find it once I finish my coffee!" Sarah thought hopefully.

Regardless of the outcome, drinking the coffee was going to be a big risk.

"The fly wasn't that big . . .," Sarah thought to herself justifying the action she knew was about to take place.
She slowly took a sip from her newly dressed coffee, diligently searching in the cup for any sign of the tiny fly.
Whew, first sip and no fly!
This continued for a while until she ran out of time before work. Cautiously sipping of coffee took more time than she ever imagined!
Did Sarah end up swallowing the fly? We may never know. But if she dies suddenly, we'll have a pretty good idea what happened...

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