Friday, March 25, 2022

Day 60: Two months!!! Here's some art


This is one of my favorite collage art pieces I've made. When I started, I had no idea where it was headed. There was no finished image in my mind that I was working towards. Rather, I developed the vision as I went along. Placing a piece here and rearranging it there. 

Ooh, where can I put this?! 

No, that doesn't really work.

Once it was finished I took in what I'd created. 

It took a while to sink in. 

I really had no idea what it meant. There was no agenda or commentary I was trying to make - at least not consciously.

After some thought, I saw how it could easily represent women's disempowerment; always being the brains to the greatness that is created and - more often than not - credited to men.

Interestingly, over time (and as I had prominent shifts in my own life), I began to see a different meaning shine through. Taking a completely different perspective, this work could easily represent complete women's empowerment. The ultimate puppeteer; has the vision and planning to know exactly which moves are needed - and the power to make each character play their part.

It's a nice reminder that everything in life can mean a multitude of different things in different times - to different people, to the same people.

What does it mean to you?

What aspect of your life can you see in a different light, now that time has passed?

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