Sunday, March 6, 2022

Day 41: The Humble Boast

If you're anything like me, it can feel awkward at times talking about your strengths and achievements. 

My upbringing and religion taught - don't brag or boast, be humble. As if, in order to be humble, you couldn't bring attention to your own achievements or successes . . . because that would be boasting or bragging . . .? Though what constituted as such was never specified.

Let's see what those words actually mean. Collin's Dictionary differentiates between the two:

boast1, merely suggests pride or satisfaction, as in one's deeds or abilities [you may well boast of your efficiency]; brag suggests greater ostentation and overstatement [he bragged of what he would do in the race]

It's important to acknowledge and appreciate what you've done, achieved, endured, and/or survived in life. In doing so one builds self-worth, esteem, resiliency and stamina for the future. Thus, it seems, it may not only be important to boast, but imperative.

It tracks your growth.

It tracks your skills.

It tracks your inherent gifts and talents.

Our society sends the message that it's not ok to relish in awe or pride for ourselves and what we've experienced. You can celebrate, but not for too long. 

I call that garbage!

On the contrary, it is important for us to do this. We are stinking AWESOME! Life is hard enough without putting ourselves down or downplaying our accomplishments. They matter and are a big deal!

Acknowledge them.

Because once you allow yourself to acknowledge and believe in the greatness you are, guess what happens? Your view of yourself starts to shift - for the better. And when that happens, the obstacles that used to stand in your way slowly start to disappear. 

At this point, you've upgraded your climbing gear, my friend, and those mountains that used to loom over you now look more like molehills.

So keep your boasting boots handy.

Take time to celebrate yourself, your efforts, your achievements. 

The time spent appreciating yourself will help you to see yourself more as those who love you most do. In addition, it will help you better to see the success and greatness of those around you.

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