Saturday, July 1, 2017

Day 33: Artificial Fail

Two 10 year old boys sit in the middle seat of an Uber van. Just finished from playing arcade games, they were hard at work digging into their loot, which, of course, consisted entirely of candy.

First up:  Gummy Bears.

After eavesdropping over the conduction of very scientific taste tests to distinguish the acuteness of one's palate, came something I NEVER thought I would hear as a complaint:

BOY 1: "I hate the orange ones."

BOY 2: 'Why?'

BOY 1: "Because they taste too much like real oranges."

Too much like real oranges. Wow, Artificial Flavor-Makers - you've really missed the mark on this one. Making flavors that actually resemble the natural food you're trying to replicate?! Preposterous!

But that conversation? Hilarious.

Friday, June 30, 2017

Day 32: Eat My Feelings

You're bored. You're upset. You created a bad habit. Surprisingly, eating isn't always the solution to everything - and it won't always make you feel better . . .

WOMAN: . . . I just want to eat my feelings . . .

THERAPIST: Ok, you can do that.


THERAPIST: Yes, but first you have to identify your emotions and tell me why you think you're feeling them.

WOMAN: [mumbles] . . . I'm not hungry anymore . . .

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Day 31: Gettin' The Band Back Together

If this happened in real life (and I got to be a fly on the wall to witness it) I would be sooooo happy!!
SETTING: High School Reunion

STEVE: Hey, Jim.

JIM: Hey, Steve.

STEVE: So, I was thinking since everyone's back for a couple of days, what do you say we try to get the old band back together?

JIM: That's a great idea! I'll tell Connie & Bill.


JIM: Jam Sesh with the old band. Tomorrow at 3

CONNIE: OMG, YES!!! I'll tell the others.

BILL: The bldgs open all wkend. Lets use the music rm


. . . as in, High School Band . . . not what you were expecting, huh???!

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Day 30: Summer School

Summer break may be in full swing, but one school near where I live isn't letting that stop it from engaging minds.

Very interesting . . . Do you think it's speaking generally or to something specific? I'm not sure, but I certainly like the idea!

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Day 29: I Hate Purple

I hopped off the train a stop early today, since the weather was so nice. As I walked the half mile home I'm looking all over the place, observing, as usual.

I pass a woman who looked very similar to this:

I keep walking.

Then I come upon one of the most unique car colors I've ever seen . . . pass by, back it up, and snap some documentation:

As I'm finishing up my data collection, who should I see walk right up to this vehicle with key in hand?!

(I feel you can already guess what I'm about to reveal, but just in case, I'll say it anyway.)

I hurried away as soon as I saw her so as not to give away my surprised delight, then continued the rest of the way home with a giant smile plastered to my face. Seriously, that thing was stuck tight. I hope one day you have the opportunity to witness someone whose un-natural hair color matches the color of their car. Then you'll really understand what I mean about a grin that just won't quit.

Monday, June 26, 2017

Day 28: Office Space

I spend a lot of time in the bathroom. Not an ideal first sentence, as it paints a mildly inaccurate picture. But it's true - I spend a lot of time in the bathroom. Mostly due to the fact that the bathroom is where I exercise. Think that's weird? That's fine - and apparently a common sentiment (unless you're one of my sisters visiting for the first time "whoa, your bathroom is huge! You could exercise in here!" And that was completely unprompted. Naturally, I was beaming).

Today, after my morning chunk of time I found myself back in the restroom. This time, to work [but not on the toilet, that's gross].

Despite what some may say, I don't really like spending sooo much time in the bathroom. And it's certainly not in my top 5-10 picks for work spaces. However, I had no choice. I had a phone interview and my room was just too darn loud. The neighbors next door are having their deck professionally power washed. They even wrapped my roommate's boyfriend's car so as not to risk it getting damaged. I'm not sure who this company is, but based on that, I'd recommend them!

Can you see the water spray? Look close between the fence and the bridge

So you see, I had no choice but to work in the bathroom where it was quiet and private. But I must say, it played the role of standing work space quite well. The counter is the perfect height for my short little legs.

All in all it wasn't a bad experience. I'm not saying it's my new go-to work space (because then I really WOULD be spending all of my time in the bathroom), but I won't completely rule out the idea in the future.

Sunday, June 25, 2017

Day 27: New neighbor

On my afternoon walk today I was taken aback by this figure . . . in the bushes . . .

Upon closer investigation, I was able to identify the man - and something tells me you will, too.

Whether hiding or creeping, I'm not quite sure. But I do know he gets around. Thinking back, I spotted him peeking out of a house window the other week! Be on your guard, people. He's everywhere!