We can always use a reminder.
Consider this yours.
I've grown a LOT over the past few years - and especially this past year, 2022.
Over the course of the last 6 months or so a new subject matter slowly started becoming more and more prominent.
The subject?
Religion and Spirituality
I'm learning a lot about religion - or rather, what religion is not.
I knew this day would come. A day in which I'd learn that the traditions and routines I grew up with were really just that - Made by men and not by God.
Or, should I say, put in place with the actionable intentions of men rather than the intentions of God. Or something like that . . .
Anywho, it's cool that as I am coming to find and understand how much of religion, the church - Catholicism, specifically - is rules created to restrict and control others, I'm still not completely turned off by the whole idea.
I know there are some people that are very quick to dismiss the entire concept of organized religion. And I think that's okay, because, to quote the Bible: "In the beginning . . . "
. . . there was no religion.
There was only love.
I'm happy to find that while I feel less compelled to follow organized religion, I'm not turned off by it.
I can see that there are fundamentally flawed rituals and ways of thinking in all religions. But there are also positive aspects and pieces of true messages from God* [*insert your name for a higher power here] that also exist, interwoven within the human-created.
And that to me is an uplifting thought.
That, while not all ideas, practices, and organized religion will benefit followers or help them to fully become connected with God*, they do provide hope and basic teachings that people can hang on to. They do provide a sense of community. And perhaps this is a way to tap back into the sense of One Tribe.
It's a notoriously spooky day, people!
. . . Friday the 13th . . .
What out-of-the-ordinary thing do you think is going to happen in your day?!
But remember - what you expect (and believe deep inside) is what you will experience.
That's not true. We won't experience something just because we expect it...
Oh, no?
Probably not if you only expect it - but if you deeply believe it, that's another story.
Why do you think there are people that buy into a bunch of different conspiracy theories? Because they believe it and look for proof of it.
Why do you think people feel they will never do/have/be 'as good as others'? Because they believe it and look for proof that they won't - fueling the self-fulfilling prophecy.
Why do you think weird things happen on Friday the 13th? Because we think, thus put into motion, that they will.
Our minds are powerful.
We are powerful.
Not so much in a 'fantastical-magic-and-super-powers' sort of way (though who knows, maybe that's true, too).
But in a 'we-are-capable-of-so-much-more-than-we-can-even-imagine-and-yet-we-are-constantly-restricting-ourselves' sort of way.
Once we start letting go of these restrictions, we can then start to learn -
how to use our minds
how to use our thoughts
how to use our power
-for good.
Because when we allow ourselves to seek our own good, it extends out to the world - and everything changes.
Using power "for good" does not mean being selfless, putting others before yourself, or doing what you think a "good person" would do.
Using power "for good" means getting in tune with YOURSELF. Paying attention to what feels good to you - physically, emotionally, spiritually and prioritizing that. Seeking THAT out.
Because when we feel good - genuinely good (not due to a 'quick fix,' distraction, or escape) - we spread those good vibes all around us.
So, I'll say it again, what you expect and believe deep inside is what you will experience.
The thing is, you first have to believe.
Again, I'm definitely - mostly - talking about personal beliefs and what is possible for you, by you, as you when you reach a place of actually believing it's true. When you reach a place of believing [in] yourself.
Now that's an idea that might sound even spookier than Friday the 13th!
But, that's ok - because we love novelty. And variety novelty is the spice of life, after all.
Now go make your life spicy!
Feeling a little afraid or skeptical of experimenting with more spice?
Let's talk and we can figure out the perfect blend together!