Saturday, December 31, 2022

Day 316: Masks

Before heading to the airport . . . a day after watching Amadeus.

Friday, December 30, 2022

Day 315: More Lessons of the Season

Lesson 1: "If you lie, you'll go to prison."
This nugget was born from a sister-discussion, overheard by a niece, about Aunt Becky [from Full House] going to prison for lying to get her kids into a good college.

Lesson 2: If kids give you sass, give it right back

Thursday, December 29, 2022

Day 314: Pi(e) [π] Day

In honor of my 314th post I present my (self-appointed) gang sign. 

That's a play on pi, 3.14, for all of the non-math nerds.

It could be interpreted as Sarah Pie - 
but it also reads, Pi(e) Money.
A nickname born from my time working at Orange Theory Fitness.

I can't remember if I posted this before or not -
300 posts is a lot to go through in order to confirm or deny it.

So, if you've seen it before - what do you notice now that you didn't before?
And if this is the first time - allow your eyes to feast and savor! 😋

Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Day 313: Anticipating

I've never been super fond of playing hostess.

I think a big reason for this is a self-imposed pressure to make sure that everything is "perfect" and to anticipate every need of my guests.

Sound remotely familiar or relatable?
If it does, then you've likely experienced how exhausting it is.

Hosting is exhausting.

Or so I thought.
Really, it's anticipating the needs of others that is exhausting.
It's running on assumptions that is exhausting.
It's attempting to always be 'on' that is exhausting.

These things prevent me from being fully present in the moment.

They prevent me from fully enjoying, taking in, and embracing the experience I am having.

They take me out of the now and put me into a hypothetical future, planning and playing out a variety of scenarios all created in my mind.

And when my focus is on the future, or more appropriately - a specific future I've currated, I am pulled out and disengaged from what is actually happening around me.

Thus, stress and energy drain ensue.

But maybe there isn't a need to anticipate all of the possible needs of others...

Maybe there isn't a need to try to be perfect...

Because in reality, neither of these things are actually possible.
Perfection doesn't exist.
Mindreading (to my knowledge) doesn't exist.

Last time I checked, the times I remember the most are the times I fully engaged with others.

The best stories I have are from the times when unexpected outcomes or needs were discovered and tackled together, not in the isolation of my mind.

Perhaps allowing myself to learn in the moment rather than expecting myself to know everything ahead of time is the real key to being present and fully engaged.

Perhaps allowing myself to be human and embracing the imperfections that come with it is the key to hosting.

And perhaps this new approach to hosting is the key to experiencing life.

Life isn't the scenarios we create in our minds.
Live it, don't anticipate it.

Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Day 312: JC's Picture

Jesus just had a birthday.
He's hundreds - scratch that - thousands of years old.

Every Christmas we celebrate his birthday and what it represents. But I think there's another aspect that often gets skipped over.
A part that any human can get something from - regardless of their religious affiliation or beliefs.

I'm talking about his ability to be himself.

Like, being fully true to who he is.

Being an example of what it might look like to ---
-listen to our inner voice
-heed our inclinations and interests
-cut through all the noise of others telling us to do and act otherwise.

He paints a picture of what it means to Be True To Oneself.

It's my belief that we all have value, worth, and something to contribute to this world. Yet, it's easy to feel like that isn't true - especially in a culture of comparisons and quick judgements.

Interestingly enough, when we are true to ourselves, the comparisons and judgements start to melt away.

Perhaps we should take a page from JC (not Chasez)'s book in the coming year.

May we:
-be aware enough to hear our inner voice
-brave enough to follow the inclinations and interests it reveals
-and confident enough, in ourselves and who we are, to walk on our path no matter what comes our way.

Monday, December 26, 2022

Day 311: Silence

Silence is golden - or so they say (don't ask me who 'they' are).

But what about when it's not so golden?
What about when it's uncomfortable?

That will depend on who you ask - and how they view things.
For instance:
  • In a life with small children, silence may seem like a great gift and blessing.
  • In a life with adults, silence may seem judgemental or invalidating.
These, of course, are just two of many many interpretations, but they illustrate an important point. The way a person interprets a situation can change the entire feel and meaning of pretty much anything.

Our interpretations are based on our past experiences, expectations, and deep rooted beliefs. They are unique to all of us, but they aren't always helpful - or true.

Oftentimes, situations in which we experience awkwardness, discomfort, or any other undesirable feeling or emotion are indicators that our interpretation of the situation may not be the most helpful for us.

And even more often, these interpretations have to do with US, despite seeming to be about others. Thus, the way we interpret silence can be a good gauge for how comfortable we are with ourselves.

At least that's my take.

So, next time you experience a moment of sweet silence or awkward silence, take a beat to check in with yourself. You may find the situation has the ability to completely transform.

Sunday, December 25, 2022

Day 310: Christmas Magic

For years now, I've had an inside joke with my sisters about "Christmas magic."

Essentially, this is just playing up the 'magic of Christmas' theme and attributing anything and everything that works out or falls into place as: 
"Christ-mas Mag-ic." 
Complete with finger wiggles.

I made a demonstrative video of such magical wiggles several years ago. 
You should most definitely take a look - and read - HERE.

As I re-read thoughts from my much earlier post it seemed a fitting reminder for this time of year.

Christmas - for the majority of Christians, is a celebration of the birth of Christ. A time of rejoicing, appreciation, thanksgiving, salvation.

And for anyone living during this time of year (or anytime), it's a time of reflection and, ultimately, choice.

Choice in how we move forward, live our lives, think, interact with others - choice in everything.

It's easy to forget that we have such choice.
Especially, in circumstances where none of the choices presented are favorable.

But we do.
We always have choice - even when we don't like it.

And every time we make a choice, we uncover new options available to us.

In this Christmas season and close of the calendar year, I'd like to offer a recommendation.

Choose Yourself.

Exercise your power of choice.
Make decisions based on the things you want and care about rather than the things you fear or are trying to avoid.

Use your voice.
Practice sharing what you really mean and feel.

Listen openly.
Listen to hear, listen to understand - not to respond.

Strive to make the world a better place.

When we make choices through a lens of love and opportunity we will carry the magic of Christmas (an dare I say, humanity?!) all year long.