Monday, June 5, 2017

365 Days of Wonder - Day 7

Day 7: Color Changing Shoes

Wouldn't it be awesome if shoes could change color? Not just because it would be cool, but for practical reasons. For example, I have a pair of light gray pants and I just can't find a shoe color that looks good with them; granted I have a very limited selection. But what if there was a way to alter a shoe's color - at least with in the color family - in order to get the most complementary shade to your outfit?

*like so

This may not seem like that important of an idea, but think about it. If we could adjust our shoe color, people wouldn't 'need' (and I use that term loosely) many different pairs of shoes at all. Well if they're basic like me and only have a few different go-to styles.

Sunday, June 4, 2017

365 Days of Wonder - Day 6

Day 6: Crocodile Hands

The worst thing about winter for me is Crocodile hands - when your hands are ALWAYS dry no matter how much or which type of lotion you use. Not only that, but they form a very visible line at the wrist to indicate the transformation taking place. In honor of summer, and my return to pure human form, I wanted to share an ULTRA life-like representation to really illustrate my winter struggle:

This strange phenomenon reminds me of another type I witnessed in Uganda. While having a small dinner party, I couldn't help but be distracted by a pair of Bear-hands in attendance. I just couldn't keep my eyes off of them for more than a few minutes. Despite the name they weren't hairy, but rather took the shape of a paw, with no real wrist definition to speak of. To really solidify the idea in your mind, take a peak at the research findings below:

*Don't let the shading throw you off, it's just to illustrate how truly bear-like these paws, I mean hands, were.
**And yes, this miraculous gem was gifted to my good friend Katie. I have no doubt she has it up on her wall and gazes at it daily.

Saturday, June 3, 2017

365 Days of Wonder - Day 5

Day 5: Modern-Day Wagon Train

I've never seen this before in my life: tiny covered wagons for children* - powered by adults. Let's hope their destination isn't the Wild West!

*seat-belts included

Friday, June 2, 2017

365 Days of Wonder - Day 4

Day 4: Red-Light Hello

And now, a recreation of cutest thing I've witnessed while crossing the street.

For those of you uncertain of what's happening, let me break it down -
1) Red Light.
2) CTA Bus stopped at the front of the line.
3) Pack of kids round the corner and begin crossing the road.
4) Bus starts honking.
5) EVERYONE (including me) looks to see what's going on.
6) Bus driver waves like crazy.
7) Teacher and kids all wave back as they finish crossing the street.
8) [not pictured] YOU go about the next few minutes of your day with a melted heart and smile on your face (because this illustration CLEARLY captures the full emotion of the moment 😉).

Thursday, June 1, 2017

365 Days of Wonder - Day 3

Day 3: Confidence Is . . .

Brows That Scare, Don't Care.

Attractive look, huh? Inspiration complements of a real-life woman who works at Costco. Boy do I wish I had an original photo to show you, but I suppose this will have to do. And as a special treat, look how scary it is to have no eyebrows at all!


Wednesday, May 31, 2017

365 Days of Wonder - Day 2

DAY 2: Nothing Says "Happy Memorial Day" Like . . .

The biggest box of chocolates* you've ever seen in your life . . . riding on the CTA.

*Rest assured, proportions are definitely to scale

The smell of "old lady" floating on the breeze.

*You wouldn't expect that scent based off the backs of these ladies, though, would you?!

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

365 Days of Wonder - Day 1

It seems that just about every day I observe something or have a thought that I find funny or noteworthy in some way. More often than not, I'll just repeat the event over and over in my head, willing myself to remember it later, rather than just making a note when it happens. In an effort to stop being so lazy - and share these enjoyable insights - I'm challenging myself to post about these notable occurrences every day. Who knows? Maybe they'll be helpful in the future. Here's hoping!


DAY 1 : I swear I'm not a creep

The other night I was trying to reflect on things I really enjoyed doing when I was little. This turned out to be way harder than I anticipated, so it was a happy distraction to pick up on the sounds of an argument outside my window.


Peeping through the blinds, I surveyed the scene. WAIT, NO!!! Turn the lights off first!

I turned the lights off, then went back to my post to watch a lover's quarrel taking place on the sidewalk and nose into other people's problems.

Apparently he was upset that they had to go ALL the way to her friend's house before going to meet HIS friends somewhere else, which was the original plan.

And she was upset that he didn't say anything about not wanting to go to her friend's house first until after they already got there. But he just wasn't having it, "I don't even know why we came over here, they're not even ready to go! I'm just watching you guys eat." [huh?]

A couple of minutes go by, but it's hard to hear what they're actually saying. And then comes a climactic:
"I'm done!"
mumble, mumble
"I'm done!"
Uh-oh, break-up city. Here we go. And, cue crying...

Unfortunately, I don't have proof of their makeup - hugs, hugs, hugs - but it was short lived with some more bickering, which was quickly stopped once they realized their friends* may or may not have been watching them from the window the whole time and they decide to go back inside. 
*and by friends, I do not mean me. I have no idea who these people are.

With the wrap-up of an unanticipated, conveniently-located stakeout, I was reminded of what I REALLY enjoyed when I was little: Spying.