Friday, April 15, 2022

Day 81: Wrinkles or Flawless

Young woman to her friend:

"Do you think Jesus had wrinkles?"

. . . or was he SO perfect that even his skin was flawless?"

Thursday, April 14, 2022

Day 79: Wind-Proof

Friend 1: I just got some new biking gloves! They're not very warm but they're wind-proof.

Friend 2: Nice! I can't wait to see them.

 Are those . . . cleaning gloves?

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Day 78: Daring Spirit


This is some cashew cheese "sauce" I made a while ago. I actually don't remember when I made it. I questioned if it was too old to eat, but the smell test doesn't work bc it smelled weird to begin with! So I tried it and ... it tastes better than it did before. . .

I thought you would appreciate this - and if I'm not at work tomorrow you'll know why!

A message sent to the type of co-worker you like to "wow" with your questionable food timelines. 

And earn the title of Daring Spirit for it. 😉

Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Day 77: Booby Beyond the Sea

I was listening to Pandora on the TV and was thoroughly enjoying my Big Band station. 

Then, all of a sudden, something caught my eye!

I did a double take.

Does that says Booby?!?

[Eruption of giggles] 

Not only is this hilarious, but (if this were real) whoever was in charge of editing really missed the mark...

Monday, April 11, 2022

Day 76: First Dates 4 Life

You ever see that movie, 50 First Dates? I didn't like it. I'm not a fan of movies with plots of recurring plots.

On first dates we are excited and eager to learn and see how things go. To learn about our date. To see how we present ourselves - and thus feel about ourselves. To understand how we act and connect in relation to another person and a new situation.

Everything about first dates is new. Even we are new, in a sense. 

We are presenting ourselves to a new person - we are showing who we are in a new time, and hopefully, in a new way than we have before.

This idea of first dates for life is not about finding a partner or coming off a certain way. It is about adopting the first date mindset for all of life.

Dates are great - but what about all of the other days of our lives?! There is always so much going on, so much to see, learn, observe and contemplate.

What if we were as eager and excited to really live in the world around us as we are to be in the moment in a date?

Maybe one day life takes on the form of a not so great date, such as eavesdropped over margaritas with my sister and recorded below:

Woman 1:  I mean he was a nice guy and all, but it just wasn't clicking. 

Woman 2:  What did you guys end up doing?

Woman 1:  . . . We went to an escape room . . .

Woman 2:  Did you at least escape?

Woman 1: No!

Or maybe a different day, life channels this VERY random date snippet - also eavesdropped over margaritas with my sister:


Woman on date:   "Do you still drink a lot of milk?
                               -- I have a twin sister..."

[no pause for her date's answer or perceptible segue to the new topic]


The point I'm getting at is, you never know what's going to come. But you've got to be paying attention to your date [life] so you don't miss the good stuff! When you do, you give every day the opportunity to be exciting, energizing, and just the right amount of nerve provoking.

Sunday, April 10, 2022

Day 75: Foul

I walk into the bathroom at Mayan Palace and am immediately hit with a Smell.

I lock myself in my stall and utter under my breath, "it smells foul in here!"

. . . And then I hear a toilet flush in the stall next to me . . .


Did I just transport back in time to 6th grade?!

No? Not quite? 

I suppose that's true, because I would have had to say:

"It smells like Mrs. [Name] in here!"

Then I'd have seen her, immediately after, exit the handicap stall and make eye contact with me in the mirror.


Not one of my favorite moments.

Why is it that I (and maybe you, too??) feel embarrassed or worried/regretful when I comment on something such as a stinky poop smell in the restroom and then get confirmation that the culprit is still within range?

I didn't say anything 'wrong' or 'mean'. I simply uttered an observation. 

Perhaps it's because the majority of our thoughts about others are really reflections of ourselves. 

I felt embarrassed, worried, regretful to have potentially been heard saying it smelled bad because I would have felt those things if I had been the one to stink it up - And that's without hearing anyone comment on the stench!

Knowing this tidbit - that we all are just responding to our own reflections as we go through life - can be quite helpful. Especially if we flip it! 

There's a very good chance that someone else's response to something or a situation has less to do about you or me and our role in it and more to do with their own perceptions and insecurities.

But back to public restrooms - the reality is EVERYBODY POOPS. And sometimes it doesn't smell the best - especially if you're eating cuisine rooted in beans (me encanta frijoles!!) - but I guess that's just a perk of being human.

Saturday, April 9, 2022