I love observing.
It's every time I go on a nature walk. Or am somewhere with a lot of people. It can happen at any time, really, but some situations are easier than others.
Regardless of the setting, observing takes effort and it takes practice.
I love observing.
It's every time I go on a nature walk. Or am somewhere with a lot of people. It can happen at any time, really, but some situations are easier than others.
Regardless of the setting, observing takes effort and it takes practice.
In broad daylight in the park of all places!
Nature - doing its thing regardless of human judgements since the beginning of time.
May it one day represent independence and equality for ALL who live here!
I admitted to a friend a secret I discovered about myself . . . Often, when I think jokes in my head, they are narrated in a Jerry Seinfeld voice.
As a coach, I help clients break down their goals and challenges into smaller, more manageable pieces in order to conquer them.