Saturday, October 8, 2011

Rat Attack!!!

Alright, the title is a bit misleading, but if you didn’t already gather we’ve been having a bit of a rat problem as of late. It’s mostly just finding droppings randomly in the kitchen and Katie hearing movement in the night, but still. A rat is a rat and you don’t want one in your house! I had my first rat sighting about 4 or 5 weeks ago while Katie and I were in the living room. After that the signs of rodent inhabitants became more and more frequent.

Last week Lori and Katie set up a few different types of rat traps in attempts to increase our chances of catching something. Method 1was a live trap that looked like a round birdcage with an inverted tea spout and the second method was rat glue, smeared all over various cardboard pieces. We thought for sure we’d be awaken during the night by loud rattling or some sort of disturbance but we woke up the next morning realizing not a single thing had happened. The following night however was a different story. Rat traps set up once again, we all went to bed. Around 1 in the morning I heard a racket coming from the kitchen. I freeze. ‘Ew, I think we caught a rat . . .’ more sounds ‘I KNOW we caught a rat. I do NOT want to go out there first’ so I didn’t. I curled up in my bed and pretended I didn’t hear anything – like Katie who was somehow fast asleep.

Lucky for me I didn’t have to fain oblivion for very long because Lori soon took care of the situation, calling the scari (night guard) to take care of it. Since that night we haven’t had any more rat sightings or disturbances. Hooray!!!

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