Saturday, January 14, 2023

Day 330: Proving Yourself

Proving yourself is more effort than it's worth.

Seriously, it takes an insane amount of effort.
And causes so much unnecessary stress!

Just being around someone who feels the need to prove themself can produce stress energy that is palpable; others can feel the vibe.

What if instead of feeling the push to prove ourselves we felt the pull to explore ourselves? To try new things, to get out of our comfort zone, to learn and grow?

Despite what it may seem, life isn't about achieving, accomplishing, or proving.
Life is about learning, experiencing, and living.
What does that even mean???
What does that even feel like???
Why not test it out?
Next time you're feeling pushed to prove - pull back.  
Try replacing the push to 'prove' with the pull to do something else - perhaps experience, learn or explore.
"I want to accomplish something"  -->  'I want to experience something'
"I have something to prove"  -->  'I have something to learn'
"Achievement will make me happy"  -->  'Exploration will make me happy'

What feels different about those statements?

To prove is to justify - to yourself or someone else.
To explore is to embrace - the known and the unknown of yourself or others.

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